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My List of References

My List of References

This is a list of everyone I've traded with. All of these
people recommend me as a trader. To contact them, just click
on their name to get their e-mail address.
Just a note: some email addresses may be outdated since
people change their addresses every so often.

Valarie Avena
Lisa Balwinski
Bill Bickel
Jennifer Baiocco
Danny Bracco
Christine Caldero
Emily Chen
Linda Collins
Melissa Geddings
Kristi Headen
Nikki King
Jill Kuras
Dave Lease
Sandi Lillard
Amy List
Howara Markao
Marjorie Pace
Gina Paolino
Nise Plank
Melissa Priddy
Adele Roach
Liz Ricklefs
Lori Rosenthal
Emmanuelle Rottee
Sue Scribner
Catherine Sproul
Ricky Stakem
Amber Still
Caryn Stem
Alicia Stowell
Patti Strobel
Winter Sunenburg
Liz Tigelaar
Lex Trotter
Kelly Wendorff
Dez White
Evelyn Williams
Nicole Winter
Michael Yerxa

If you would like to know about a certain trader,
feel free to email me to ask me about them. Or see my super trader reference list at:

Super Traders

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