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British 8th Army

The "Desert Rats" were the most famous British army of the Second World War, and have received the attention of four different manufacturers.  The Airfix set was the first, and exists in two versions.  The Esci set fills several gaps in the set.  The Matchbox and Revell sets, issued later, add more poses to a desert army.

These poses are from the Revell set.  The set is titled "Scottish Infantry," and there is a bigpiper to augment your troops!  The uniforms and equipment, however, allow them to be deployed as any regular infantry of the 8th Army.  The poses are well-proportioned, with good raised detail and facial features.

These are from the Airfix 8th Army set.  This set has the reputation of being one of the finest sets in 1/72 scale plastic, and it does not disappoint.  The detail is extremely crisp, the poses are nice and agressive, and the uniforms are perfectly correct.

Last updated 29 July, 2002
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