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What's New

Updated: 8/31/99
- Just realized that most of my graphics are in .art format and that only Mac and AOL browsers can view them so I went around and changed the format of all my graphics to gif.
- Updated music trivia.

Updated: 8/7/99
- I created my own award to give out to any personal music page so be sure to stop by my award section and apply for it.
- Updated the Tour Dates section getting rid of out of date tours and adding tour dates for Dance Hall Crashers, Link 80, Limp, H2O, and Johnny Socko.
- Added Grumpy's Award of Excellence graphic to the awards section.

Updated: 8/5/99
- Updated the Trivia question and added a Poll. Be sure to voice your opinion on this weeks question, Do you plan on watching the MTV Music Video Awards?

Updated: 8/4/99
- Put in a little me classifed ad about my guitar.
- Made up an Awards I've Gotten page to keep the load time on the main page down.
- I finally got around to updating the trivia...sometimes that disease of laziness leaves me. My apologies to Alktrio99 as he waited patiently to recieve his bragging rights.

Updated: 8/2/99
- Added an album review for The Suicide Machines - "Battle Hymns".
- Updated the tour dates section getting rid of all the junk like old tour dates and adding new tour dates for No Use for a Name, Guttermouth, Shades Apart, and Diesel Boy.

Updated: 7/26/99
- Updated the local show dates starting with a show on July 27th.
- Hello recognition, I got my first web page award. If other award companies don't think the page sucks too bad maybe I'll get some more and actually be able to make an "awards I've gotten" section. Always wanted wanna those.

Updated: 7/20/99
- Added Blink-182 and Mustard Plug tour dates to the tour date section.
- Updated my album release dates page and separated them into Punk, Ska, and Compilations sections.

Updated: 7/11/99
- Added this what's new section to keep the main page from being cluttered like my room. I'll be storing all my update messages here.
- Put in 3 Goldfinger and 2 Five Iron Frenzy pictures in the pics section.

Updated: 6/22/99
- Finally, I've passed the 100 visits mark and decided to get off my lazy butt and get a guestbook...yay! So for the little effort I put forward into getting one I would really appreciate it if you would sign it so I can get a little more info on who views the page. Thanks...

Updated: 6/2/99
- Now for another wonderful update from the author. Well, I just finished the first big update of the page and I think it's coming along. My guitar tabs are finally up, but not finished to my liking cause there are a lot of punk/ska bands out there and I'd like to try and get them all in there. Other than that my local show section is up and running and will be updated a lot to keep NJ/PA people informed about shows because the local scene is important.

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