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16 February 2000

Mr.Raja Bangara, one of the most prominent and well known members of the Club, passed away this morning at 8.30 at his residence in T.Nagar. He was 82 and is survived by his wife, son and daughter-in-law.

Mr.Bangara has served on the committee of the Club on innumerable occasions and has been the President of the Club for more than five terms. Whether on the management committee or not, his interest in the affairs of the club was unflinching and was always around when his assistance was required. Known for his punctuality and impeccable dress sense, Mr.Bangara was a strict disciplinarian and has played a major role in the development of the Club and the Sport of Rowing.

Mr.Bangara died of a heart attack and just as he had always wanted, was active till the very end.

We salute his memory. May his soul rest in peace.