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                Do we look to be


                                           quietly, the morning walks up the stairs
                                            entering my arms beneath the covers
                                  i flinch and shake for her extremeties are cold
                                           i toss and turn for its nothing like i remembered...
            continuing in the search for love i stumble over the curb only to drench my fears in the
puddle waiting below. the city moans all morning the sunlight drips from the glass amongst the
erect office buildings me i stand erect in the cold and limp through the summer, and so here i am
and this is me all that you see that i am what i am i work downtown inside a dark cabinet where i
cant smell a thing except for men i work for a large company im small looking
plain simple i work for a large company if they would see me they would care for me but no
one sees me inside this dark cabinet, i cant wait to go home....
                    some things i remember some things i cant wait to forget my hands i hold so tight
they shake sweat and tears fill my eyes i always keep the sink water running waiting for the hope
to fill my countenance "hope does not dissapoint us, because God has poured out his love into
our hearts" i feel so lonely here, i wish they would paint the walls blue i guess i've been here too
many times
                    i feel the song of the rain curtaining the windows as they walk on by
and i see my reflection in the skies tears. i wonder if my brother would look me.
if he was alive, if only he was. i wonder if we would be close telling each other our
children's stories, smiles, steps and words painting each other's cheeks over black
coffee... what I would give to see his hands right now. i want to hold my brother my
only brother but I cant. my breath has fogged up the window and I can no longer
see the street below...

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