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Miscellaneous Pictures

Oct. 30, 1999: Before the Halloween show in Elgin - Moving Stars Bare Handed as Musty George and the Raccoons.

Sept. 21, 1969: Band name history - Rare footage of John Starsbarehanded before his great move to the Yukon.

Oct. 29, 1999: In the breakdown lane on I39 South - Van status: Out of Commission.

Simon: "Simon's Quest Boyeeeeee!"

Mark: "Come on dude, I know you want a piggy back ride!"

Dec. 20, 1998: Recording - Nick, Ted, and Brett Favre attempt to get the levels right.

Feb. 14, 1997: Marty learns the hard way - well, maybe "hard" is the wrong word...

Oct 30, 1999: Halloween show in Elgin - Getting the rock on while the sun engulfs the earth.

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