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Paradigms for Liberation

...the sound of children chanting "A, B, C" is heard in the background...
...we see an abstract sequence showing the letters A-Z added randomly to various backgrounds...
...we hear the sound of rushing wind as we search for floating letters that are just out of reach...

Poetry     Short Stories


Calendar Drought Year
        (Mark Dickson)
Ellipsis: Anticlimax
        (Mark Dickson)
The day the earth stood still
        (Michael Farmer)
Snow Day
        (Mark Dickson)
Assorted Haiku
        (Mark Dickson)
Intro to Radium
        (Marty Hayes)
Do we look to be Influenced
        (Darrel Hedman)
What it takes to live
        (Mark Dickson)
Take this match and light yourself on fire... my friend
        (Darrel Hedman)
At least it's Something
        (Mark Dickson)
4:35 Post Meridian
        (Tim Gazdziak)
Cold December Morning
        (Tim Gazdziak)
My List
        (Niki Dolfi)
        (Niki Dolfi)
        (Niki Dolfi)
Ramblings Of A Mindless Idiot
        (Niki Dolfi)

Short Stories

                                 A Thing.
                                         (Michael Farmer)
                                 A Photo for the Scrapbook
                                         (Mark Dickson)
                                 I'll Always Hate the Smell of Mangoes
                                         (Mark Dickson)
                                 Paper Hearts
                                         (Mark Dickson)
                                 I Lie Face Up
                                         (Mark Dickson)

"Now I've said my ABCs, tell me what you think of me."

write shit   Guestbook by GuestWorld   read shit

Attention: This page is for and by the people! If you would like to make an addition of one (or many) of your works to this page of writings, please email us at We want to put up all sorts of tid-bits from all sorts of people, so you are encouraged to submit anything you like.  -MSBH
