NC Online! 1997 Archive
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NC Online! 1997

This is an archive, preserved strictly for historic purposes. Therefore, phone numbers, links etc, are not kept current and may no longer be valid.

12-08-1997 Noesis Creation is looking for book dealers or some other sort of reseller to buy out the remaining dieHard Back issues!!!!! Any reasonable offer will be accepted as I just want to move these things off the premises. They are filling space that is needed for other things.

It would kill me to have to send them to the recycler as there is some really great information in these issues. Anyone interested can email me (I'll even look at unique storage ideas). I'm looking at resolving this, one way or another, by January 1, 1998.

11-26-1997 Noesis Creation makes it to COMDEX! Be sure to check out the Fall '97 COMDEX Report!

10-09-1997 Mousam River Community BBS/Southern Maine Informational List makes it on the Amiga Web Directory. For more information check out the WebBBS message base under The Commodore and Amiga Message Area. John T Maguire, the Sysop, is a Founding member of Team Amiga.

10-01-1997 The Gallery and The Dee El are now online!

09-20-1997 Brian Crosthwaite of Noesis Creation fame has been asked to be an Assistant Sysop on the Mousam River Community WebBBS Message Base under the Computers area.

09-04-1997 Noesis Creation offers users of Amiga OS 1.3 and earlier support. Tired of needing 2.x or 3.x to run anything you see for the Amiga? Most programs NC writes for Amiga will have versions for the base A1000. This will insure that it will run on all Amigas (The PRGing language I use is portable), and a hard drive is not required! Amiga 1200 (base unit 3.0) support will also continue.

08-29-1997 New! to Archaic Computer comes Q & A. Looked in every FAQ under the Master Control? Ask here at Q & A. While answers are not guaranteed, it can't hurt. If NC can't answer it, then maybe one of our gifted readers can.

08-23-1997 Antique Computer is now online with a connection for getting those often hard to find digital joysticks. Sticks are offered on a hit or miss basis. Working sticks are $15, non-working are $5. Check it out at: The Antique Computer Store.

08-21-1997 Noesis Creation is dedicated to the cause. The call from the masses -- the people who own computers that had their day long ago -- is being answered. A new section will be coming to help people find these systems. NC has a new up and coming page dedicated to the antiques of our time: Antique Computer. Antique Computer will offer old systems, some complete with software and/or manuals. Many of these systems will be checked out. The page is due to be added after the photo gallery in Archaic Computer is up.

If you have some tidbit of news -- or olds -- you can submit it
via email to: Historic facts and stories are welcome.

The NC wish list:


Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Noesis Creation. All Rights Reserved.