NC Online! 2005
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2005-07-04 This is a live edit from inside the free version of Xandros Linux, via an IBM ThinkPad 570! Yes. an old ThinkPad with wireless iNet and sound! (!)

NC uses a more logical date system: YEAR-MO-DA and YEARMODA.

Now, all I need to do is get UAE going here and, well there you go.

12-04-2004 Time to Back Peddle!

Ok, I was hoping that my skeleton -- not the one in my body, my Amiga-Base PRG, would run on an unexpanded Amiga 1000. I don't think it will. If anyone needs, or would like, a downsized version of any of the Amiga PRGs let me know. I can supply the source for Amiga BASIC. I haven't tried running AMOS on the 1000 with 256k. It will run on the CDTV as it has 1 Meg.

The A1000 at NC has 8.5Megs so I can only test memory or OS restriction -- not both at once. I have access to an A500 that thinks it only has 256k (it has 2Meg installed), but it has OS 2.04. Go figure.

I don't have the source readily available, but could possibly put it together then post it all at once.

01-08-2004 The PX-8 is Back!

After much time, I've finally pulled it out and gotten the batteries for the PX-8. This is actually old news, but I'm finally posting it ;)

If you have some tidbit of news -- or olds -- you can submit it
via email to: Historic facts and stories are welcome.

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