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Vision of Anthemius of Tralles



Auxilliary Degree

for recipients of

The Supreme Architect's
Medal of Achievement

When I stumbled across this text, a small quarter-folio volume printed in Holland in the late 18th Century, I knew I had something special.

Whether it was the references to Mayan sacrificial rituals, the carefully laid out schematics of cometary orbits, or its clever play on Greek and Aramaic homonyms, the book had an underlying, telluric, current of gnosis that only a genuine text received from the Hierarchical Masters of Heaven could have supplied.

Whether there are any recipients of the Vision of Anthemius still alive is not known. The Tournaments of Balsa, a prerequisite for the degree, have been discontinued for at least 90 years, but perhaps the rules of entry were modified in the interim.

Please email me directly with any information.


Member, in good standing, of the CMS
Societé des Arches - 3rd Degree
Honourable Palladin of the Wooden Pyx
Recipient of at least four badges from Tournaments of Balsa



the Disembodied Voice
the Doge
the Fool / Hanged Man
Aesculapius in Glory
the Patriarch of Constantinople
a Noisy Crowd
First Preceptor - Aetherial Luminiscence
Second Preceptor - the Parabolic Arc
Third Preceptor - a Well-Polished Mirror
the Initiate as Anthemius of Tralles

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