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Friends of the Pleiadeans
face new difficulties

The arrival of the Photon Belt is delayed yet again

It was 1995, we were in the middle of a recession, Ramtha had been revealed as an alien rather than a homegrown "Master," and Bigfoot was all but forgotten. Yet, we had much to look forward to as nihilist paranoid conspiracy theorists. All the literature of the Cultic Milieu  concurred--the Photon Belt was on its way.

This was exciting. We were going to pass through a strange belt of  energy which would render useless all that technology the shadow  governments use to keep tabs on us. There would be three days of light, three days of darkness, temperatures would hit extremes, our water  supply would go bad, communications would be down, chaos would ensue,  then, of course, the Pleiadeans (or was it the Sirians?) would save the  Earth in a giant rescue bubble so that the New Order could be  established and the chosen ones could come into their true position as directors of a cleansed planet enlightened by the wisdom of the Masters.

The date was set--March 1995. Then March passed and life went on  uninterrupted. Apparently, the date had been moved to November.

November passed. According to some Masters, the Pleiadeans didn't think we were ready for the Belt just yet, so they used their powers to  postpone it yet again. Currently, the Photon Belt rendezvous is vaguely set for sometime before 2005.  Rumour has it that the true reason for the delay is faulty Sirian O-ring technology, but sources in the Dolphin Star-Link Chamber chalk that up to disinformation.  All this prediction and back-peddling raises the question:  What will  the theorists, channelers and followers in the Cultic Milieu do when the millenium passes into mediocrity and the Big Thing doesn't happen?

We're getting close to the end and there's plenty of reason for the  Pleiadeans to panic. What if, god forbid, nothing happens?
The answer is, high anxiety--sheer panic, that is--followed by mass depression within the Cultic Milieu.

It truly is a time for panic.

The Photon Belt, as seen from above, with Earth approaching the null zone
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