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Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Sarah Michelle GellarWelcome to my small page all about my favourite vampire slayer from the realms of TV...... Buffy!!!

Buffy is not your typical American teenager, she's the Slayer, no that doesn't mean she's a really crappy thrash metal band!

She's the chosen warrior that constantly fights the forces of evil and being as she lives in a town built on a rift between our dimension and the dark Otherworld, ( i.e. HELL! ) the forces of darkness flock to the town of Sunnydale like bees to nectar.

Buffy is assisted by her three best friends from Sunnydale High School. The crewThese are Willow, the shy yet brilliant computer genius, the weird and love sick Xander and of course there is Giles, the stereotypical Brit, ( oh yeah, we all talk like that in England, honest! ), actually Giles is pretty cool. He's the librarian at the high school and is also the Watcher. Watchers are specially trained guides to the Slayer, dedicated to instruct them in the correct ways to harness the Force... erm, sorry thinking of something else there but you get the idea of the plots.
The MasterAs I have said earlier, the reasons why there are so many vampires, ghouls, demons etc. in Sunnydale are because it is built on a rift or tear between two sets of realities. This attracts the dark borne beings as they rightfully belong in the nether realm.

The main adversary of the Watcher is a being called the Master. Legend has it that he is the last of a race of beings that once ruled the Earth many millions of years ago ( Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fthagn! ) Cthulhubut were banished back to their dark realms. Only the Master remained and he took the form of the most evolved species on the planet, Man.

The Master has lived for countless millennia and has spawned a whole race of beings much like him, the Vampires!

You will notice that the Master does resemble another very Ken Barlowefamous vampire. Barlowe, the vampire lord from the brilliant film Salems Lot.

If you would like to read more about my favourite vampire films, click on the image of Barlowe.

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