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Danger! Danger! Lost in Space Danger! Danger!

Year Two

Baco-foil sex
Blast Off Into Space
The Robinsons prepare for a quick takeoff when they find that a mining engineer blasting for a life-giving mineral has caused a chain-reaction of earthquakes that will disintegrate the planet.

Wild Adventure
Setting course once more for Alpha Centauri, the Robinson's journey is again hampered by Smith, who first dumps the ship's fuel into space, then almost pilots the Jupiter 2 into a sun. Then Athena, the Green Girl who wants the Jupiter 2's deutronium fuel for food, hypnotises Smith into going into space. The Robinson's rescue of him once again throws the ship off course, and they are again lost in space.

The Ghost Planet
A voice claiming to be from Earth instructs Smith to land Jupiter 2 on the planet it is passing. When Smith obeys, the Robinsons find a civilization of robots who make humans there slaves.

The Forbidden World
Jupiter 2 crash lands on a planet whose only inhabitants are a strange little hermit and his giant bird. Smith, Will, and the Robot are captured by the alien, who plans to mobilize an army to destroy the Jupiter 2. Of course, he has no army, as the Robinsons learn. Also, Dr. Smith drinks an alien nectar, later realizing that it is highly explosive, and he may blow up at any time.

Space Circus
A space circus comes to town (or planet), and give a show for the Robinsons. The owner learns that Will has the power to materialize anything he wants, when assisted. He convinces Will to run away with the circus, for the good of his family.

The Prisoners Of Space
An outer-space court accuses the Robinsons of various crimes during their journey, but after questioning, it is shown that Smith was the culprit behind each incident. The Robinsons convince the tribunal not to punish Smith [although I don't know why!].

The Android Machine
Smith finds a "Celestrial Department Store catalog" and accidentally orders an emotionless "female" android, whom the Robinsons teach to be human. Unfortunately, the department store's manager, Zumdish, either wants payment, or the android back; preferably the android, since it has been improved upon. When the Robinsons refuse to cooperate, the manager takes steps to force them.

The Deadly Games Of Gamma 6
A travelling show lands on the planet, and the owner tells Smith that if he agrees to box with a midget and wins, he will be returned to Earth. However, it is a trick, and he loses. The troop is really testing Earth to see if it can be conquered easily, and to save it, John challenges the owner to a battle.

The Thief From Outer Space
Convinced that the Robinsons have maps which will lead him to a space princess, a thief captures Will, Penny, and Smith. Will is made an apprentice thief, Penny is held prisoner, and Smith is marked for death under a pendulum.

Curse Of Cousin Smith
An "alien" that Smith is terrified of turns out to be his cousin Jeremiah, who is in cahoots with an intergalactic Mafia in an attempt to murder Dr. Smith and claim his family inheritance.

West Of Mars
Smith's doppelganger, a space desperado, forces him to change clothes. Smith is then arrested as the real gunslinger, and is taken away to another planet to be executed for his "crimes."

A Visit To Hades
Smith plays a musical instrument he finds, and is transported to hell, or so he thinks. Actually, it's a prison for one criminal, who pretends to be the devil in order to get Smith to help him escape. Judy and Don also visit "hell". The key to his escape was hidden in the musical instrument, which playing causes him pain.

The Wreck Of The Robot
Aliens steal and disassemble the Robot in order to find out how Earth machines work. With that knowledge, they plan to build a machine to take over all other machines on Earth, and subjugate the human race.

The Dream Monster
To make his android more "human", a scientist drains all emotions from the Robinsons, leaving them unimaginative and apathetic.

The Golden Man
A lesson in prejudice. Two representatives from their respective planets, that are at war with each other, land on the Robinson's planet. One is a handsome golden man, the other a hideous frog creature. Dr. Smith wishes to help the Golden man destroy his foe, who claims to be the good guy, while Penny wants to help the other, who is unfriendly to strangers. It is later learned that the Golden man was wearing a disguise, and is even more hideous than his foe. He was trying to trick the Robinsons into helping him, but in the end, they saw the light.

The Girl From The Green Dimension
Athena, the green girl returns. A big, mean, ugly, nasty, green brute from her home dimension is courting her, and she draws pretty, handsome, brave, pretty Dr. Smith into a love triangle. The big, green lug of course wishes to kill Smith. Also, Will is accidentally turned green, but Athena thinks he looks to 'pretty' to change back.

The Questing Beast
A space knight, a sort of Don Quixote, arrives, claiming to be after a ferocious dragon he has chased across the cosmos. He fills Will with stories of quests and dragons and things, and when Will learns that most of his stories are lies, he loses faith in people. Meanwhile, the knight finally catches up with the dragon he has chased for most of his life, and finds out that it is a friendly, female, sentient life form, and loses the desire to slay her, and also his purpose in life.

The Toymaker
Smith is captured by a Celestrial Department Store ordering machine (remember those?), made into a clown, and put into the toy department. Will and the Robot follow him into the machine, and discover a passage back to Earth.

Mutiny In Space
An insane space pirate, Zahrk, abducts Will, Smith, and the Robot and uses them as his crew in his relentless search for his first mate, Mr. Christiansen, who committed mutiny.

The Space Vikings
Dr. Smith steals the gloves and hammer of Thor, god of Thunder, and the enraged deity challenges the good Dr. to a duel to the death. Through trickery, Smith convinces Thor that he is ineffectual and would lose, just when Valhalla is attacked by giants. If I recall corectly Mrs. Irwin Allen played Broomhilda.

Rocket To Earth
Smith plays sorcerer's apprentice to a space magician, hoping to steal his spaceship and return to Earth. However, the ship is programmed to self-destruct when it reaches space.

The Cave Of The Wizards
Luring Smith into a cave, a computer gradually takes over his mind and body, transforming him into an alien. With a launch window coming up soon, the Robinson's must get Smith's true identity to emerge, or leave him behind.

Treasures Of The Lost Planet
A hideous mechanical head mistakes Dr. Smith for its master and tries to lead him to a priceless treasure. A humanoid group of pirates finds out and forces Smith to take them along. A captain joins the Robot, Will, Dr. Smith and Penny on the treasure hunt that yields a disappointing booty. "Good evening!"

Revolt Of The Androids
Verda the department store android returns, pursued by an alien superman sent to bring her back or destroy her. When the Robinsons win over the superman's sympathies, the CDS machine simply creates another android, stronger and totally devoted to destruction. ["Crush, Kill, Destroy!"]

The ColonistsThe Three Stooges

The Robinson men are captured by female warriors and put to work, while the women are treated to lives of luxury. The men's fate hinges on Smith, who has wormed his way into the Amazon queen's affections and can sabotage her base.

Trip Through The Robot
Losing power and unable to be recharged, the dying Robot wanders into a gaseous area, where the vapors turn him into a giant. Smith and Will crawl inside him to reverse his ionic process, shrink him back to size, and possibly save him.

The Phantom Family
Will discovers that his family has been replaced by android duplicates. Their creator wants Will to teach them how to act like real humans...or the original Robinsons will die.

The Mechanical Men
n army of tiny robots (all Remco LIS Robot toys), all resembling the Robinson's Robot, lay siege to the Robinson's camp and demand the return of their 'leader', the Robot. The army is vicious, and want to take over the universe. They realize that the Robot is too kind to help them, so they transfer Smith's personality into the Robot, and vice versa.

The Astral Traveler
Will passes through a space warp into 19th-century Scotland, where a ghost and a monster inhabit an old castle. Smith follows, and the ghost learns that Smith's ancestors were responsible for his death. He then plans Smith's beheading. But mercy arrives for both Smith and the ghost (and Angus the monster!) from beyond.

The Galaxy Gift
Penny's loyalties are tested when she must either watch her family die or give up an amulet an alien warned her not to. Other aliens will transport her to an unreal "Earth" as a reward, if she will sacrifice the gift. They persuade Dr. Smith to help them trick Penny.

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