can I start by making a few things clear, I am not any of
the following:
OK, now that we've got that sorted then I'll carry on with my little piece about the so-called 'New World Order'. Now, as I have said before, this is MY site with MY views on it, I do NOT represent any organization or group, just plain old me. Every now and again, I like to type in those three words into a search engine and see what comes up. Generally I get quite a mixed batch of inane paranoiad web-sites written by people maintaining that they are NOT fascists but have policies and beliefs that are certainly of the Christian far-right! However, the initial idea of the 'NWO' is of immense interest to me as it is part of our ever increasing branch of 'urban legends' ( as well as 'alien abduction' etc. ) and is therefore, in my opinion, classified as a contemporary cultural phenomenon. There appears to be two schools of thought regarding the NWO, these being;
Regardingn the former rank, there are several key theories behing the NWO but mainly it appears as if it is a large, multi-national corporate entity with several inter-linked agendas:
The alleged scheme of the NWO military camp is to stream-line both US and former Soviet armies and to make way for a NATO backed super army consisting of both Western and former Warsaw Pact soldiers, this would act as the military arm of the NWO. The political and economic fall of communism in the Soviet Union and other east European nations could be seen as part of a scheme by the NWO to 'westernise' the east and thus try to integrate these nations into the ethos of the NWO.
Saddam enjoyed many lucrative years and numerous military triumphs, seemingly under the 'benevolent' eye of the West, however this may have been part of a large orchestrated attempt to give the Iraqi government the belief that it could do anything in the Middle East with the backing of the US. This appears to be exactly what Saddam thought and of course he invaded Kuwait, a disputed region claimed by the Iraqis to belong to them but split from Iraq by the British in early colonial days.
All of a sudden, the media was on the Middle East, it was dramatically discovered that Saddam was a fascist dictator that racially oppressed Kurds, a minority group in Iraq, he ran a totalitarian regime based on torture, murder and bribery. The CIA and most of the US and Western governments knew this already but as this did not affect US interests there it was not seen as being important until its reveletaion would portray the US in a better light. The Gulf was one battlefield, yet the media was probably the most powerfull weapon in the arsenal of the NWO /US! The NWO 'allegedly' runs a global network of TV and newspaper offices, each one portraying pro-Western and indeed US propoganda. The media war on Iraq was there to ensure that the US / UN was seen as the 'good guys' and that Iraq was the baddies.
It has been analyzed in terms of managing global oil supplies and limiting the modernization of Arab states - points which are surely part of the immediate picture. But from a more global perspective, the Gulf "War" may be seen as a carefully orchestrated precedent for the military regime planned for the New World Order. What the U.S. did with this blank check was not primarily to expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait, but to systematically destroy the entire infrastructure of Iraq. It was not a war, it was a demolition. While 100,000 or more civilians were being massacred by B52s and cruise missiles, global television audiences looked at endless reruns of the same "smart bombs" destroying targets portrayed as "unin-habited" and "military". The bloodbath was not sanitized; the media coverage was. Although the operation was primarily an American show, from beginning to end, it was carefully framed within a U.N. authorization and included token forces from other "allies", many of whom demanded extensive bribery to participate. There was thus an " internationalist" veneer over an American-initiated conflict, motivated by undisclosed goals, apparently related to NWO management of the Arab world and international oil supplies. Over the past century, the U.S. has felt free to "intervene" unilaterally in dozens of countries to support the operations of various corporate interests. As foreshadowed by the Gulf precedent, the NWO scheme is to "legitimize" such interventions, by e mbedding them within an international framework. That framework won't be the U.N. - which includes too diverse a representative base - instead, it will be framed within organizations such as NATO, which fit better the technocratic model and are more easil y managed by the NWO elite. Thus the military agenda of the NWO can be foreseen by simply looking back at the history of U.S. imperialism in the Third World. Whenever a country gets too uppity - pursuing its domestic interests rather than those of transnational corporate investor s - it can expect to be subdued by overwhelming military force, preceded by an appropriate media demonization campaign. Traditional international law - largely ignored in practice anyway - is to be formally replaced by an "internationalized", but elite co ntrolled, NWO Police Strike Force. For at least a decade, the U.S and other Western powers had been trading heavily with Iraq, selling it all manner of industrial goods, ingredients for chemical weapons, and the means of conducting modern warfare. Besides the immediate profits from this trade, it was part of an alleged "tilt" against Iran in the protracted Iran/Iraq War. Saddam's internal political practices, though well known, were evidently of little interest, and received scant emphasis in the media. With all this assistance, and with U.S warships present in the Gulf throughout the conflict, Saddam had every reason to consider himself the designated "proxy" of the Western powers in the region. There were even pieces floated in the mass media, chara cterizing Iraq as the new center of stabilization for this "fundamentalist-Moslem-infested" region. In this context, Its ideology - and economics - is the mythologized "free market". Disastrous as this agenda is for all but a tiny elite , it does indeed provide alluring profits to a shrinking number of highly concentrated corporate conglomerates. The social agenda of the NWO can be summarized as "no more entitlements". In the First World this translates into dismantled social programs, undermining of labor and safety laws, and a general disregard for maintaining a healthy environment or the qua lity of life. This dismantlement has been facilitated by media propaganda, and accomplished by demagogic government leaders, exemplified by the likes of Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Bob Dole, John Major and Newt Gingrich. The role of such demagogues is to sabotage government from within - assuring that it fails - and then proclaiming deregulation and privatization as the "only possible solutions" to the problems they themselves have created or aggravated. Similar "solutions" are imposed on the Third World, but instead of relying on domination of the political process in each individual nation, the policies are imposed on each from outside, by conditions set by the international financial community. This raises the political agenda. The political regime being installed to command the Orderly New World is frighteningly simple: it includes no political parties, no constitution, no declaration of human rights, no balance of powers, no effective redre ss of grievances, and no elections (in fact no kind of popular representation). Instead the nations of the world are to be controlled by faceless commissions of technocrats, appointed (directly or indirectly) by transnational executives, and dedicated to serving their corporate interests. A precursor of these comm-issions can be seen in the International Monetary Fund (IMF). As a mechanism of control, the IMF is efficient and highly leveraged. Instead of intervening in the internal affairs of individual nations, as with traditional impe rialism, a small commission of technocrats simply run their spreadsheets and announce guidelines. Whole nations are then forced to find their own way of living within the imposed constraints. Very tidy, as far as the transnationals are concerned. Very ugly, to the millions who are forced to somehow survive and rear their families under these guidelines, or, increasingly, are simply left to starve. It's not nice to be redundant to the needs of the New World Order and its corporate masters! This nightmarish political regime is being expanded to the Second and First Worlds by means of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Area), GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), the WTO (World Trade Organization), and other similar agreements and e ntities. Unlike the IMF, which controls via the purse strings, these so-called "trade agreements" control via intrusion into the regulatory power of signatory nations. By exploiting the treaty mechanism, which has the force of national law, these agreemen ts become permanent parts of each constitutional system, making it all but impossible for future governments to choose different regulatory policies. Thus the transnationals are able to translate temporary political ascendency, attained at considerable ef fort and expense, into a permanent stranglehold over sovereign nations. These agreements go far beyond the bounds of "trade policy". But by masquerading as trade agree-ments, they manage to avoid the deeper policy debates which are sorely needed. Instead, a few "trade negotiators" from each country meet in relative secrecy and hammer out terms of "economic reform", down-playing the far-reaching cons-equences for sovereignty. Thus the NWO "reform camel" sneaks its nose into the national tent. The bulky body of the full NWO reform camel is not limited to imports/exports, quotas/tariffs - it pushes its weight into labor laws, safety regulations, air quality rules, land use pr actices, social programs, and so on ad infinitum. The camel itself has no concern for the quality of life, and the citizenry is expected to adapt to its pitiable life style. There's one more NWO infiltration scheme which deserves special mention - Maastricht and the European Union. Just as the IMF masquerades as a funding source, and GATT as trade reform, so the EU is sold as a "more competitive Europe" - and the deception is equally profound. As with the trade agreements, the debate over Maastricht has been channeled as narrowly as possible, primarily to the question of "opening of markets". But Europe has a highly educated public and a strong democratic tradition, and so me of the debate has (fortunately) touched on the real issue at stake - surrender of national sovereignty to bureaucrats in Brussels. Unfortunately the Euro Skeptics in the British Parliament, and the Norwegians - and others who are demonstrating the abil ity to think ahead - are being drowned out in the mad rush to endorse the pathetic Maastricht formula. The reasons for narrowing the debate over Maastricht as much as possible are obvious: if Maastricht were evaluated for what it actually is - the operating framework for a United States of Europe - it would be found sorely wanting. It lacks firm guarant ees of human rights, a well thought-out balance of powers, a bicameral legislature, and many other elements that are necessary to a sound democratic system. It simply doesn't stand up at all as a serious constitution, and so the true scope of its ultimate authority is intentionally concealed. This time the NWO camel has sneaked more than its nose into the tent of an entire continent. And as usual, the humps of the NWO camel are the same - control concentrated in appointed technocratic commissions whose primary goal is to facilitate investme nt opportunities for the corporate sector. As part of its deceptive propaganda campaign, there is currently an EU emphasis on progressive measures, such as extending workers' rights in nations below the European average. But such concerns are not the inhe rent focus of Maastricht, and as Brussels' power becomes more entrenched, its true colors will come increasingly to the fore. As with all cons, the bait comes first, and the hook goes deep when finally felt. In this era of instantly available global communications, how have the world's people permitted themselves to fall blindly down the slippery slope of this undemocratic neo-feudalism? This question raises the propagandistic agenda of the New World Order. At an alarming rate, all global sources of information and entertainment are being concentrated into a handful of media conglomerates. Television, newspapers, magazines, and film pr oduction are being gobbled up by a few conglomerates which have full control over their content and distribution. These conglomerates decide which events are to be deemed "news", how that "news" is to be interpreted, which story ideas will be developed in to films and TV series, which candidates are to be considered "realistic" in elections, which legislative proposals are to be praised or ridiculed, and which mythologies are to be sold to global audiences. Primary among the myths being sold is "market reform". In a narrow sense, media conglomerates have an immediate self-interest in this "reform" ideology. We see this in the recent Hollywood/Chirac debate over the preservation of domestic European media production. But this by no means explains the depth of the media's devotion to the "reform" faith. Media conglomerates have interlocking directorates with - and in many cases are owned by - other non-media conglomerates. The media is a member in good standing of the corporate community, and its own special role - as a team member - is to align globa l public opinion with the aims of that community. Increasingly, this translates into pushing the various Since there is so much conflicting information concerning THE NEW WORLD ORDER it is difficult to clearly define exactly what it is. Fortunately, a professor of International Law at the University of Chicago did so and it was published in the Baltimore News-Post (p. 2) on December 8, 1941. In the article, Dr. Quincy Wright described what he called THE NEW WORLD ORDER (as opposed to Hitlers' New Order) in which the sovereignty and independence of individual nations would be subject to the limitations set forth by a world government. In otherwords, the independence and sovereignty of the nations of the world, including the United States, would cease to exist. Wright went on to say that in addition to the world system that three continental systems would emerge, also under this world league. Among these would be a " 'United States of Europe', an Asiatic system and a Pan-American union". Each of these continental systems, according to Wright, would also have a common military force with national military forces being outlawed or greatly reduced. (Reprints of this newspaper are available from M-C Associates: ph. 410-860-9750) The World System described by Wright has been evolving for the past fifty years in the form of "Free Trade Agreements". The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is the basis for the emerging world government system. The continental systems have been developing in conjunction with the world system. EFTA, the European Free Trade Association, has already evolved from a free trade agreement into the European Union, or as Wright put it a "United States of Europe". NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, evolved from the Canadian Free Trade Agreement and is scheduled to become the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) in the year 2005 according to AmericasNet, thereby integrating the western hemisphere into one continental bloc. The Asian system is emerging as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC). More information concerning the development of these systems may be found by looking in Britannica Online under "The Quest For A New World Order". Historically, whenever the need for world government was called for, its supporters argued that it was the only way to ensure world peace. With the end of the Cold War, however, a new excuse was needed. Currently, it is being put forth that the reason that we must accept global government is that technology makes national boundaries obsolete. A good example of this is a book called "Creating A New Civilization" by Alvin Toffler, forward by Newt Gingrich (Hint: the really good stuff is in chapter nine). Toffler refers to this approach to world government as "The Third Wave". The U.S. Army corps of Engineers website, NPRNews.COE*, is interesting because it ties The New World Order, The Third Wave and The National Performance Review (Al Gores plan to reinvent government) into one nice little bundle. |
For the LORD hath poured out
upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and
hath Isaiah 29:10 |