B.L.A.S.T.E.D.D. Blokes Living & Succuming The Everlasting Dysfunctional Death |
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If you want to Email me then you can find me at :I_PID@HOTMAIL.COM
The Skeletal Gallery
The Dragon Gallery Miscellaneous Gallery
I ..er*Puts on awards seremony face*, I just want to thank all the people that made it possible for me to be here today. All the unknown faces that pass in the night and lay their offerings at my feet, and all the special people in my life *sniff*, LOD - Hey Dewd!, WISHY - You will get that Email one day I promise, Bride - I hope the Bat bartender brings you many years of happiness*begins weeping*.*Breaks down and starts sobbing* Thankyou all so much *retires from stage and sits back in his cage*
I'd also like to that the many sites and people that I got most of the images and icons off of! I can't name you because there are FAR too many of you. That and the fact that most of the images were collected on caffine fueled allnighter frenzies and I can't remember where the hell they came from*L*. But thanks anyway! Whoever you are!*L* *sips his 4 pint mug of tea*
Okay, this is me, wrapped in bubble wrap and gagged with gaffa tape for a friends project a few years back. I was a mobster's victim in case you're wondering!*L*