It's your next door neighboor, maybe your uncle, your schools and communities are filled with them.This song is about one person, true, but it's a cliche' of all the people just like him. This is my song to all the Macho men out there

The ballad of Johnny football hero

Intro: Hi my name is Johnny and I’m a football player. I’m so cool. I drink beer and have sex with cheerleaders. Most the kids at school wanna be my friend. But there is wanna group of kids that I hate more than anybody, Punks! There’s some kids that have a queer ass band called political push up pops or something. I hate those fucks. I kick their asses every day and they still talk shit to me. They are such faggots. I wish I could kick their asses right now.

Chorus: Johnny Football hero, why do you hate the world? Johnny Football hero, why do you mistreat girls? I don’t give a shit about your FuBu jersey or your music. So why do you hate me, just cause I’m a little different. Johnny Football hero, I wanna know why you’re such a fuck.

Verse 1: It’s almost sad that you were brainwashed by your dad. He taught you all this macho shit, before you were born you were destined to be a dick. For your twelfth birthday your dad bought you your first gun, said you had to kill to be his son. Took you hunting and you got a taste for blood, and you drink on the weekends and jack up your pick-up truck.


Verse2: And now you graduated from high school and you joined the marines. You can do 200 push-ups and you shoot m-16’s. Your wife sits at home with your 3 kids and she feels so neglected. While you’re off, god knows where, fighting for no reason. Well you’ve killed your share of innocence and you hate your life. Your families a wreck, you can’t sleep at night. You feel betrayed by your father and your Uncle Sam. You’re nothing but a cliche now, another macho man.


Outro: Johnny Football hero, I know you think I’m a fuck. So I better tell you now before you’re out of luck. I’ll tell you man the world don’t need another one of you. Because there’s so many fucking macho men that I’m gonna fucking puke.