This is a song that expresses our views on racism.


1st Verse: Our history seems plagued with this disease called hate. You see it on your t.v. set and you yourself have contracted it. You think racial prejudice is limited to the color of your skin? But we all feel justified about our own hate within. See a swastika may mark a racist man, but what marks your hate of your neighboor or your friend?

Chorus: Look within yourself, don’t blame anybody else. You only have control over you. So give up your own hate, and that’s all you have to do.

2nd Verse: They hate the blacks so you hate them, so they hate you back and the cycle never ends. Killing doesn’t take away your pain. Your hate will eat you up and take over your brain.

3rd Verse: Live and love and live and let live we’re all in this together and we’re all fighting it. It’s time for this cycle of hate to end. If you give it up now then others will join in.


4th Verse: We love to hate but you hurt yourself, you can’t be happy and hate someone else. Hate is a prison and you are in jail, and you have the key, but you won’t free yourself.