By far my favorite writer of contemporary fantasy, Charles de Lint takes the bones of the old tales and breathes into them new life. His accounts of the city of Newford evoke strong images that haunt the reader long after laying the book down on the nightstand, filling the reader with a respect and understanding of that unseen realm of existence where nature spirits and mythic archetypes wander about freely. His book, Yarrow, was my first introduction into this world, and after discovering his collections of short stories, and seeing the collective mythos which he has founded a good deal of his stories upon, that I came to find my own direction in my own writing. (direction being different from voice) I list here only a couple of his books, and would heartily recommend seeking out the bibliography page on his own website, which can be accessed off of this page through the star of chaos icon spinning about up there above the paw. ~prairiewolf~