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The Mushiness Of Reality

click here to purchase The Holographic Universe click here to purchase The Archaic Revival click here to purchase True Hallucinations click here to purchase Food of the Gods click here to purchase Drugs & Magic click here to purchase The Ticket That Exploded click here to purchase click here to purchase click here to purchase The Philadelphia Experiment Click here to see the The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension homepage... return to whence thou comest if you want to hurt your chances of ever growing up sane in the world where you can be a perfect little tool of the overlords who rule this planet w/ their strange strong fists of tyranny over the mind, body & soul of every member of the human race who can't even tie their own shoelaces w/out first taking in a healthy dose of low-level isomorphic genetically retroactive radiation that spews its venom into the hearts & hearths of our entire planet & you want to gleefully abide w/in the belly of the beast of the apocalypse, with only a meagre self- induced dream that will never go away & that will haunt you eternally so that you are forever asking yourself~ "where did I go wrong" & it will exist in the back brain of the primal inanimate lump of fetal & fecal matter that you will become without the great, profound, life-atltering knowledge contained in the books up above, where all the pretty pictures are, & thee shall buy them, & ye shall be free... & It is so... prairiewolf