Philip K Dick was the first science-fiction author who forced me to reconsider my conception of reality. The book A Scanner Darkly was such a great read that I would pigeonhole friends while we were passing a bowl and read aloud to them passages during my stoner years, living in a studio apartment w/ two other guys & no job... I read that damn book fifty or more times, highlighted important passages, and gave away several copies. The same can be said for Radio Free Albumeth, which I found a little bit more readable than VALIS, albeit similar subject matter. I credit my minor schitzophrenic break directly to PKD, during the year of which I read PKD, & only PKD. His earlier science-fiction, then his exegisis, then on to his short stories... he was as important to my imagination as he was to my religious studies. Not too many authors can pull that off. ~prairiewolf~