A love so startling and so beautiful that I wish everyone could bend his will and accept it. It is love without conditions.
This love says, "I love you in spite of what you may be like deep down inside. I love you no matter what could change about you. You can't do anything to turn off my love. I love you, period."
"LOVE, PERIOD" isn't a blind love, far from it. It can know a great deal about the other person. It can know the person's shortcomings; it knows the other's faults, yet it totally accepts that individual without demanding anything in return. There's no way you can earn this this type of love. You can't do anything to increase it. You can't turn it off. It has no strings attached. This kind of love would love even the most worthless individual as if he were of infinite value.
"LOVE, PERIOD" can only be experienced by a complete and fulfilled individual-one who doesn't have to constantly take from life's relationships to fill the voids in his or her own life. A fulfilled person is truly free to give in a relationship without demanding anything in return.
Whether you realize it or not, "LOVE, PERIOD" is more important to you than anything else. If you are not presently experiencing this kind of love, it is likely that you are still hoping that someday you will, or you are clinging to a treasured memory of a time in the past when you were loved in this way. Life without something resembling this type of love will eventually lead to despair. "LOVE, PERIOD" is a giving relationship; it can't wait to give. G-I-V-E is how you spell "LOVE, PERIOD". It is the giving freely of yourself.