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  Hi! Welcome and Thank you friends for sparing your valuable time. We developed this Homepage for friends, family, and those who just happen to pass through.  This site gives information about our education, hobbies, interests, relevant links and photo gallery. Hopefully, this page would be updated every month.

- Rameshkumar 


Recent Update:
 Ramesh Marriage
During 2002 SUMMER myself, Sangram, Rohit and Chiranjeev visited to Western Europe (Netherland (Holland) Amsterdam, Belgium Brussels and  France Paris). If you need any tips for booking rooms, trains, flights please contact, and   photo gallery
I am doing Ph.D program at The University of  Scuola Superiore Sant 'Anna, Pisa, Italy from Jan 2002. My specialization is "FIBRE OPTIC LIGHTWAVE NETWORKS" and official e-mail id's are:  or  Contact number:  0039-3408165604(Vodafone Omnitel). If you would like to see the Institute profile visit the following link to know more about SSSUP   or
We (Dr. Venkatesan, Maridass, Macho Man Kathiresan, Jawahar, Infy Babu and myself) visited PURI(Orissa), Konarak and Bhubaneswar on Christmas eve(24/12/2000). The erotic sculptures, the serene beaches and of course "Lord Jaganath" still linger in our memories...! Visit photo gallery.
Keep Smiling !!!!! It increases your face values !!
E-MAIL ME we would like to hear from you if you want to say "hi" or have a question or comment about anything on the page.

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This site was last modified on May 21st, 2003.