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The prospect of gain or the fear of loss of resources is at the heart of most conflicts. Leaders site political, religious, or philosophical reasons to fight, these are more often to justify the cost of achieving the real goal. In some instances the resource is something new or previously unknown. All sides dispatch troops to take and hold or return with the new found prize. The initial engagement may find the prize unguarded or only lightly defended. Often the struggle goes on from there with the ultimate prize changing hands multiple times as assaults, raids, ambushes, and counter attacks are all attempted. If the percieved value of the prize is high the belligerent forces will except horrendous losses and continue to persist. Many times neither side prevails as the object of thier desire is all but ruined by the conflict. If faced with certain defeat one side my even destroy that which they have given so much for than see it fall into enemy hands.

1-10    Archealogists working in the ancient ruins have discovered a mysterious
           alien artifact. Shortly after it was unearthed the artifact began emitting
           a strange signal. Imperial forces are now enroute to the location with
           orders to destroy the artifact. Will they arrive in time or will one of the
           opportunistic groups of locals over power the scientists and steal the
           artifact? What about the creators of the artifact are they even now
           returning called by its enigmatic signal?

11-20   For months government forces have tried to strike a desisive blow
           against the well organized rebels. However the rebels simply desperse
           into the country side aided by sympathetic locals only to reappear
           mounting surprise geurilla attacks. Recently the government has learned
           through a double agent of a major rebel weapons cache. The rebels
           are aware that the location of the cache has been revealed but can't
           afford to lose the supplies stored there. Now both forces rush to the
           remote site, each determined to control it.

21-30   An on going conflict between to rival nations has been fought to a
           virtual stand still. Three days ago a space craft of unknown origins
           crash landed in a remote wilderness area. Each side has dispatched
           troops to the crash site which lies a fair distance from both countries.
           What wonders may the reckage contain? Perhaps new weapons or
           technology that my tip the balance of power in favor of the possessor?
           But what of the ships crew did any survive? Will they have to be delt
           with before the spoils can be taken?

31-40   A space liner has appeared in an area of frontier space outside of
           imperial control apparently do to a failed jump. The ship seams to be
           temporarily disabled and unable to return to hyperspace. Rival groups
           of privateers active in the region have detected the ships arrival and
           now race to be the first plunder her. Each band ready to fight the ships
           defenders and one another for the prize vessel.

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