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Wars and conflicts are often of huge scale involving whole nations. It is perhaps a failing of mankind that he would let the fate of so many be decided by a few or often a single individual. Many times the success or failure of an entire struggle hinges on just one person possessing special knowledge or ability. When the scope of a conflict reaches this point the individual comes into extreme danger and all available resourses of one side will be brought against them.

These scenarios revolve around the capturing or elimination of usually a single individual. Some times one player will only control the fugative. In other instances the searchers will have to deal with forces friendly to the fugative. The hunted model usually will have a specific goal or objective. This may simply be to escape by exiting the board or reach a certain location.

1-10     Saboteur(s) have entered an important research, manufacturing, or
            communications facility.  Security forces must stop then before they
            can destroy vital resources and equipment.

11-20    A captured alien/cyborg/agent has been taken to a high tech research
            facility for study/interrogation.  Shortly after arriving the prisoner escaped,
            armed and dangerous it roams the complex.  The complexes small
            security force along with the scientists and technicians must now locate
            and neutralize the ex-prisoner. (Could be played as a 3-way battle with
            the guards trying to kill the prisoner and scientists trying to recapture him.)

21-30   The leader of a dangerous cult has been cornered within one sector
           of the city. Government forces must sweep the area to find him,
           battling the frantic resistance of isolated pockets of cultists determined
           to die for their leader.

31-40   The surviving member of a patrol must make it back to friendly lines
           with news of an enemy force preparing to attack. The enemy, aware that
           lone scout still lives, has small groups of troops searching the area.

41-50   In a recent battle a psychic was able to get close enough to an enemy leader
           to probe his mind. He must now return to the rear and deliver his report to
           head quarters. The psychic is accompanied by a single squad of troops, all
           that could be spared from the front line. They will cut through an area
           badlands making a push to reach there objective. However enemy forces
           are aware of thier mission and have patrols in the area hoping to intercept
           the psychic.

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