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Ancient tales of mans past told of inhuman beasts and unspeakable terrors that lurked at the edges of reality. As he has progressed to claim the stars mans science has not disproven these stories as he once thought it would. But rather science has finally brought man face to face with these horrors. Often when man encounters these fearsom abominations they are totally alien to him, other times they are of his own creation.

 1-10    Dreams of riches made them oblivious to danger.  The looters had found
            their way deep into the forbidden ruins and discovered its most precious
            treasures. In so doing they had also released the ancient guardian. Can
            the looters defeat the guardian and escape with their prize?

11-20    Encased within the giant metal war machine was the mind of ancient
            warrior. For untold years since the death of his mortal body he had
            fought along side generations of his battle brethren until finally the cold
            isolation of his metal crypt had become to much. Now completely
            insane the shattered mind trapped in a steel hell strikes out at its own

21-30    The mining outpost was small, just a few miners and technicians living
            on the airless asteroid extracting its rich ore. First McGee had gone
            missing while working on the transmitter, next Donald and Web were
            killed in shaft four, then something broke into Phil's quarters and ate
            him! Now with the transmitter down and half the base depresserized
            the remaining occupants must find the alien menace before it strikes

31-40    Authorities had located the cults base in the sewers beneath the city.
            But as security forces had moved in to finally put an end to the foul
            cultists they had performed one last ritual. In a final act of vengence
            the cult members had sacrificed themselves to summon an immense
            demon to destroy their hated foe and reak havoc in the world.

41-50   The planet is the envy of all its neighbors, a powerful economic giant
            grown rich by its rapid industrial developement. Such progress does
            not come without risks though. Now from the depths of some toxic
            reservoir created by the waste of a hundred industries comes a terrible
            mutant beast. Driven by some corrupt instinct or dim yet vengeful
            intelligence it attacks the factories and refineries that spawned it.

51-60    The conflict between the two nations has reached a stalemate, neither
            side has been able to gain any advantage. Just recently one side has
            unleashed their frightening new weapon, an immense machine/beast.
            This new super weapon has already been used several times against
            smaller targets and has proven unstoppable. Now the thing is being sent
            to destroy the enemy base. It will take some time for the colossal new
            weapon to reach its target. Will the defenders be able to stop the
            destruction of their base and defeat this latest threat?

61-70    Life on the small farming world had aways been quite. Until just a few
            nights ago that is, thats when a shooting star and brilliant flash had been
            seen to the northeast. Everyone in town expected Gerald to come into
            town in a day or two and tell them what it was. After all his farm was
            right on the edge of the swamp were the light must have come from.
            Then one of Geralds neighbors came into town and said the he had
            been out to the his farm and found it abondoned. There were no signs
            of Gerald, his family, or even any of his livestock. The neighbor had
            found strange tracks around the farm like nothing he'd ever seen before.
            Now the sherif is putting together a bunch of the locals to go into the
            swamp and investigate.

71-80    A brilliant scientist had just finished his supreme creation. Using the
            knowledge from the forbidden scrolls, his own twisted genius, or from
            the captured alien wreckage he had brought his creation to life. Every-
            thing seemed to be going fine until the creature attacked the scientist
            and escaped. Now the mad thing is headed for the nearby city/town.
            It must be stopped! But do the authorities know its weakness? Does it
            even have a weakness? What about the scientist, did he survive? And
            if so who will he try and help, his mad creation or the people that
            people that have always ridiculed him?

81-90    After crash landing on the remote world the survivers were surprised to
            find a lost colony of humans. The humans on the planet had regressed
            to a very primitive level. A single powerful alien living not far from the
            human settlement has established its self as their overlord. The alien
            demands regular tribute in the form of live victims which it devours.
            Can the crash survivors though few in number use their superior
            technology to defeat the alien overlord? Or will they become its next

91-00    An arms race has developed between the two waring states. Each side
            constantly building some new technological terror to menace their
            opponent. Now both sides have created their own ultimate super
            weapon to finally crush their foe. The lumbering war machines are sent
            to destroy the enemy and meet one another half way. A titanic struggle
            begins, whoever wins will claim ultimate victory for their side.

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