The vastness of space boggles the mind of man. In all ages and during all times man has devised theories and philosophies to describe its workings and origins. Yet still he is unsure of his findings for truly they are at best geusses and perhaps wishful thinking. So then is it any surprise that events and situations might arrise which seem to weird, to freakish, to bizzare, or to far outside mans limited experience to believe?
The following plots describe events or situations
that however implausible or unbeliveable they may sound are possible in
the myriad alternatives of the far future set amongst the immense depth
of the stars.
Two warring factions both wish to enlist the aid of a third
neutral group. In an attempt to force the hand of the
non-aligned side both of the warring factions have taken
hostages from the neutral group. What course of action
should the non-aligned group make? Should they pick a
side and attempt to rescue the hostages taken by the other?
Or should they declare war on both sides? Perhaps a
successful raid of highly trained commandos could free
both groups of hostages and allow the third group to retain
its neutral status?
Government forces are in pursuit of raiders/deserters/pirates
when they encounter another even more dangerous enemy
force. They begin fighting the new enemy and are surprised
to find their previous query fighting beside them. After the
battle is over and the new enemy defeated what shall happen?
Will the two forces continue thier fighting anew, will they
negotiate, or will they simply agree to leave and continue
thier quarrel another time.