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Resources are ever the object and prize of conflict. Most often wars and battles are fought over terrain of great importance and vast in size. Things such as cities, fortresses, factories, or whole regions maybe contested in such struggles. For these objectives commanders may risk countless lives. On occasion a single individual will be seen has having a greater value then any piece of land.

 1-10    Since the law captured thier leader the gang just hasn't been the same.
            Nobody seems to be able to come up with great plans like he did. The
            gang has pulled a few heists but nothing real big or very successful.
            Its been a long time since anybody came up with a plan that seemed
            worth trying. Now everyone agrees, the boss has to busted loose.
            The high security complex where he is being held is heavily guarded.
            It's a good thing that everybody can finally agree on this plan, atleast
            agree some what anyway. 

11-20    Enemy agents/terrorists/rebels have kidnapped the daughter of an
            important local ruler. Unless the ruler submits to the demands of her
            captives they plan to kill her. A hand picked group of troops/security
            forces must rescue her. It is uncertain if they will be richly rewarded
            for freeing the girl. However should the rescuers fail they will wish
            that they had died trying rather than face the fathers wrath!

21-30    Agents and informants among the enemy have learned that a top
            enemy commander has been convicted of treason. The traitor is to
            be exicuted soon. A small force of infiltrators could stage a rescue.
            The information that an officer of his rank could give to your side
            would be priceless.
31-40    A mysterious cult has captured a local noble and plans to sacrifice
            her in a ghastly ritual. No one is sure if the ritual will bring about
            the wholesale destruction that the cultists claim. The government
            does know that if the women is sacrificed then the noble houses
            will use the event as an excuse to reform there standing armies. A
            situation that the government can't allow.

41-50   Your gang taught those upstarts a lesson they won't soon forget.
            To bad you got careless after that and they attacked several of
            your members when they were by themselves. Worse yet, they
            captured some of your gang members. Now they're being held
            at an abandond building in thier turf. You must send a group of
            your best guys over there and over power the guards and free

51-60    The two nations are in a state of war. An alien or foreigner has
            appeared in the enemies territory who seams to possess strange
            knowledge and abilities. Not wanting the enemies to gain control
            of this individual a covert force of operatives has been sent to
            pick up the stranger. Currently the stranger is still free so perhaps
            enemy forces in the area are unaware of his existance.

61-70    Just before being caught a top level spy had discovered crucial
            information and was about to turn it over to intelligence officials.
            The information had taken years to gain and is simply to valuable
            to lose. A group of commandos is being dispatched to free the
            spy. Time is of the essence, if given time the enemy may break
            the spy and compromise much of the foreign intelligence network.

71-80    Foreign intervention has finally brought an end to the fighting
            between the two nations. The leaders of each nation had been
            making slow but steady progress at the negotiating table. Until one
            was obducted by radicals from his neighbors country who are
            determined to end the negotiations. Now a team of foreign
            special forces must travel through hostile country side to reach
            the radicals stronghold and free the leader.

81-90    A brilliant scientist has been developing a super weapon to be
            used against a rival nation. Agents of that nation have kidnapped
            his wife. Now the scientist refuses to continue his work. Officials
            from his own government have decided to try and free the wife
            against her husbands wishes. An elite force of specialists will
            make the rescue attempt. The operation is to be carried out with
            the utmost secrecy, if they fail there can't be any evidence that
            could prove a rescue was attempted.

91-00    A well know hero that became missing in action has reappeared.
            The only problem is the he has resurfaced on side of the enemy!
            The hero must have been brainwashed by the enemy and his image
            is now being used against his former nation. A lot of propoganda
            has already gone into giving this hero a reputation as a champion
            of right and truth. Now the sneaky enemy has turned it all around.
            The hero must be captured and deprogrammed, under no condition
            is he to be allowed to die lest he become a martyr for the enemies

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