In Brief: Speech-What have They done to our Queensland Constitution - 19 Aug 2002.           (Posted to Website 17/4/2003)
On 19 August 2002, Mrs.Rona Joyner spoke to a meeting of Queenslanders for Constitutional Monarchy as a result of an invitation to deliver a speech on the subject of the changes brought about by the declaration, consolidation, and modernizing of the Qld.Constitution, except for doubly entrenched sections. The following is the speech that she gave on that occasion:-
The 2001 Constitution Act was passed by Parliament in November 2001, without a prior referendum in regard to the entrenched sections 1, 2, 2A, 11A, 11B, and 53, which means that the Bill was passed illegally without authority. Therefore it is forever unlawful and invalid.
Substituting "Sovereign" for "Queen", for "Her Majesty" and for ''Crown", and "State" for the protective Monarchical term "Colony" is obviously done so as to make it easy to introduce a Queensland Republic at any appropriate time in the future. This changing of the royal title to facilitate a change to a republic may be the crime of "seditious enterprise" or "seditious intention". President, dictator, or any type of republican Head can be "Sovereign". The term does not have to represent Monarch or Queen.
Section 53 demands a referendum before the "abolition of or alteration in the office of Governor" or before passing what "expressly or impliedly in any way affects any" entrenched sections, including "this section 53". Without a referendum, this section has been renumbered and "Sovereign" substituted for "Queen". It retains the necessity for approval of a Bill by a referendum of electors, without which a consequent Act will be of no effect. However this entrenched requirement was not applied to this new Constitution.
The Australia Act (Request) Act 1999 was put in place so that Queensland could be made a republic as soon as required to be in line Federally, without people even having a say.
My letter to State Attorney-General demanding a Referendum before changing Queensland to a Republic, is included in the section headed A Brief History of Queensland's Constitution
A.   Political Vandalism
B.   Straight from the Horse's Mouth
C.   A Brief History of Queensland's Constitution
D.   Letter to the Qld Attorney General
E.   Compare what we had previously with what we now have in 2002
F.   Reverse the evil effects of the invalid Australia Act 1986.
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What have They done to our Queensland Constitution?

or Political Vandalism - Straight from the Horse's Mouth.


Mr.Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Afternoon:

We are all here this afternoon because of what has been done by the "powers-that-be" to our Charter of Liberty - our QUEENSLAND CONSTITUTION of 1867.

We can describe what has happened to our Constitution as Political Vandalism, and I intend using, in support of some of my accusations, certain admissions and revelations that have come "straight from the horse's mouth" so to speak - by quoting some of what has been said in the Foreword and in the Introduction to the Annotated Constitution of Queensland 2001, and in the explanatory Clauses 3 and 4 of the Constitution itself.

Before governments started interfering with it, our legitimate QUEENSLAND CONSTITUTION of 1867 was indeed our Charter of Liberty, the fundamental law of this country, which was binding on our rulers in Parliament. It contained all the safeguards, under which our forbears expected we would be able to continue to live, and our children and grandchildren after us. They envisioned for their descendants (and us today) life In a fine Christian country, where liberty prevailed, with all the protections and benefits that come with living in a Common Law country whose foundation is Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords, to whom our Monarch must swear allegiance before she (or he) can be crowned.

But now this well-thought-out Constitution that is our heritage has been replaced by an illegitimate substitute - an unlawful REPUBLICAN version, that has removed "accountability to God" from the equation, and is instead being promoted as a Socialist necessity in this post-modernist era, when individual opinions, rather than Christian law, are paramount.

Straight from the Horse's Mouth

In the FOREWORD written by Premier Peter Beattie, we have it "straight from the horse's mouth". He says "Queensland's identity as a State, and the democratic ideals on which our State is built, rest on the Constitution."

Which Constitution is the Premier referring to in this context - the new fake Constitution or the true Constitution of 1867? We do appear NOW under these changed circumstances, to have two Constitutions. I will show you WHY and HOW shortly.

The legitimate Constitution identifies Queensland as a Christian Constitutional Monarchy. NOT as a democracy. The only time the Constitution officially gives us an opportunity to be democratic is at election time, when each individual elector is given the right to vote for a representative of his or her choice.

Notice, I said we have "the right to vote for a representative of our choice". Unfortunately, however, this democratic ideal has long since gone out the window. While talking glibly of democracy, the Party system has come between us and our constitutionally-required democractic elections. Democratic elections are only possitle when the people are given their right to vote for the candidate of their own free and absolute choice without the intervention of any candidate chosen, endorsed, and promoted by a Party for the people to vote on. When elected, that person then becomes the representative of the Party, rather than the representative of the individual elector.

We now have no true democratic freedom in the choice of a government. All we can do now is to vote for a candidate who has been chosen for us by one or other of the BIG parties. They have the democratic freedom - we do not. Furthermore, it is this pre-selection of candidates by the parties that puts elected member under the thumb of the party who endorsed him or her.

The way things are at present, there is no likelihood of a coalition of Independents forming government. But it could happen ONE DAY.

In the Foreword to this new Constitution, the Premier also said "The new consolidated Constitution of Queensland 2001 (brings our Constitution) together in ONE document and in language we can all understand." I disagree with both statements.

As I will show, we have at least two documents and possibly three. Also, a document that purports to be a legal document becomes a legal minefield if it is not written in precise legal language. That is a minus, not a plus.

Again quoting from the Foreword, "It is intended that these resource materials will set the foundations for building a Constitution that is more relevant for Queensland today and that reflects the aspirations of all Queenslanders."

Who gets to decide what sort of constitution is more relevant than another in controlling the power of parliamentarians? And who determines what reflects the aspirations of all Queenslanders - when everyone has different aspirations? A majority of one does not represent everyone in the State.

In the final paragraph of the Foreword, the Premier says "I hope you find the annotated Constitution of Queensland 2001 useful as a guide to the fundamental law that underpins our system of government." I don't believe it does this, because it says that it does not consolidate or explain any of the vital doubly-entrenched sections of the original Constitution. It simply relegsates these important sections to an Attachment at the end, where they will be ignored, forgotten and/or lost

These are the very sections that "underpin our system of government", and they were put there and doubly-entrenched deliberately, to ensure that the people of Queensland remain totally free from despotic and oppressive government.

Of course if people don't understand how and why these sections operate for their protection, then they will not be very likely to recognize the significant benefits, nor to demand that Parliamentarians obey them, as is their sworn duty in accordance with their individual Oaths of Allegiance to the Queen.

Every citizen's allegiance to the Queen, whether by birth or by naturalization, is fulfilled by assisting the Queen to fulfil her Coronation Oath of Allegiance to God, and the true Gospel of Christ. Therefore Christians, in particular, must be involved in upholding the laws of God in the enactments of Parliament. A law that is not in accordance with God's laws is null and void as a law of Queensland.

That should really prick our consciences. A Constitution is for the parliamentarians to obey, and the people to profit thereby. But more on that later.

Clause 3 of the new Constitution explains the object of rewriting the Constitution. It says "This Act declares, consolidates and modernises the Constitution of Queensland." Then an added Note (which is part of the Act) says: "However this Act does not consolidate the following constitutional provisions because of the special additional procedures, including approval by the majority of electors at a referendum, that may be required -

Constitution Act 1867, sections 1, 2, 2A, 11A, 11B and 53;

Constitution Act Amendment Act 1890, section 2;

Constitution Act Amendment Act 1934, sections 3 and 4.

Further, this Act does not consolidate the Constitution Act 1867, sections 30 and 40."

That is why I believe that we now have two Constitutions - but which one is REALLY our fundamental law?

A Brief History of Queensland's Constitution

Let's first look at a very brief history of Queensland's Constitution.

Queensland began as a self-governing Christian Constitutional Monarchy, under allegiance to Queen Victoria and Her Coronation Oath. We were constituted a separate independent Colony on 6th June1859 by Letters Patent from the Queen. In 1867 the documents relating to Queensland's constitution as a colony, independent from New South Wales, were consolidated into the Queensland Constitution of 1867. Queensland is still an independent Monarchy, part of the realm of today's Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.

We have inherited English Common Law, and the Biblical Law of the Land, which includes the everlasting Imperial Laws such as Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, and Habeas Corpus. These were devised over the centuries and applied successfully in England to put the King legally under God's Laws (despite his personal views) to make him protect the God-given rights of the individual citizen.

These inherited Imperial Acts (which wereall ratified by each State Parliament in Australia in the 1980s) uphold the sovereignty of the individual under God, and limit and define 'sovereignty' of Parliament To allow Parliament unlimited sovereignty would give governments power to oppress the individual by legislating for a favoured majority. The Law of the Land forbids that.

Each Monarch is bound by a solemn Oath not to allow anyone (not even Parliament) to oppress or persecute any freeman, or alter this Law of the Land in any way. And it is this Coronation Oath sworn by each monarch that everyone has to assist the Monarch to uphold, especially Ministers of the Crown and Judges.

More recently, an act of collusion extending over a number of years between all political parties resulted in the passing by State, Federal and United Kingdom Parliaments, of the "Australia Acts" in 1985/6 . As a result of ignoring doubly-entrenched sections of the Queensland and Western Australian Constitutions, serious unauthorized changes were secretly and unlawfully made to all the existing Constitutions of the six Colonies now called "States of Australia".

Republican manipulators behind these changes hoped to affect (even in an indirect way) the roles of the Queen and the Governor and their relationship to one another. This has directly weakened the Monarch's power to protect us from over-zealous politicians.

The following letter was written to the Qld Attorney General regarding The Australia Acts (Request) Bill 1999 which was passed and assented to without fuss or opposition. The purpose of these Bills is to allow Queensland and the other States to "sever their links with the Crown should they choose to do so."

This is a Bill of the type that requires a referendum under Section 53 of the Queensland Constitution, and so it cannot lawfully be put into effect unless and until the people give approval through this referendum. We must take action to ensure that this referendum is held. Otherwise these changes will be made unlawfully, without authority, and undemocratically, to the detriment of Queenslanders.

Therefore I urge all who read my letter below to write a letter to the State Attorney-General similar to, but NOT the same as, this letter of mine.

 Mrs. Rona Joyner,
(Q) Festival of Light & Community Standards Organization,
[Box now cancelled] -PO Box 350,
Kallangur, Qld., 4503.

12th July, 1999.

The Attorney-General,
Parliament House

Dear Sir,

The Australia Acts (Request) Bill 1999

I have obtained a copy of the Parliamentary Hansard and see on p.2182 that the Queensland Parliament is in the process of quietly passing The Australia Acts (Request) Bill 1999 - without any apparent public input.

The Premier the Hon.Peter Beattie introduced this Bill into Parliament on 8/6/99 as -

" a Bill for an Act to request the amendment of the Australia Acts 1986 in connection with proposed constitutional arrangements to establish the Commonwealth of Australia as a republic."

During the second reading, Mr. Beattie said that if the referendum in November this year "is passed, Australia will become a republic at the national level. The States will then have to consider whether to sever their links with the Crown." [I take this to mean become individual republics, or remain individual Monarchies.]

He went on to say that Section 7 of the Australia Acts of the Commonwealth and the United Kingdom, which deals with the relationship between Her Majesty and the State Governors, needs to be amended to ensure that States can exercise their own constitutional processes to sever their links with the Crown. He said -

"It [section 7] states that 'Her Majesty's representative in each State shall be the Governor.'"

The Premier then expressed concern that "if a State were to amend its Constitution to provide that the Governor is not Her Majesty's representative, this may be considered to be repugnant to section 7 of the Australia Acts."

He went on to say, "Accordingly, for the sake of certainty, section 7 of the Australia Acts needs to be amended if Australia becomes a republic to ensure that States will be able to sever their links with the Crown should they choose to do so."

It states in the Preamble to this Bill that -

"3. If the proposed law is approved by the Australian people, it is desirable that the Australia Act 1986 of the Commonwealth and the Australia Act 1986 of the Parliament of the United Kingdom be amended to remove any impediment to the alteration by a State of its laws relating to the powers and functions of Her Majesty and the Governor in respect of the State."

Section 53 of the Queensland Constitution requires that certain alterations to the Constitution may not be made by Parliament without authority, but only after the people have had their say by a referendum. Section 53 says:

"53.(1) A Bill that expressly or impliedly provides for the abolition of or alteration in the office of Governor or that expressly or impliedly in any way affects any of the following sections of this Act, namely-
sections 1, 2, 2A, 11A, 11B, 14; and
this section 53

shall not be presented for assent by or in the name of the Queen unless it has first been approved by the electors in accordance with this section and a Bill so assented to consequent upon its presentation in contravention of this subsection shall be of no effect as an Act."

In my opinion the Australian Act (Request) Bill 1999 is a Bill that would require a referendum under section 53. The Australia Act (Request) Act 1986 should also have first received the approval of the people, but it did not and therefore, according to this Section 53 of the Queensland Constitution, it is forever "of no effect as an Act."

I therefore ask and require you to ensure that a referendum under section 53 is held before this 1999 Request Bill is assented to. If this is not done, there is provision under section 53(5) for proceedings to be brought in the Supreme Court, but I trust such action will not be necessary.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. Rona Joyner, President, (Q)FOL/CSO

If Section 53(1) is ignored by Parliament, then Section 53. (5) of the Queensland Constitution contains provision for proceedings to be brought in the Supreme Court as under:

"53.(5) Any person entitled to vote at a general election of members of the Legislative Assembly is entitled to bring proceedings in the Supreme Court for a delaration, injunction or other remedy to enforce the provisions of this section either before or after a Bill of a kind referred to in subsection (1) is presented for assent by or in the name of the Queen.

I do not recall ever receiving a reply to the above letter.

So what I wish to show you this afternoon is that in spite of the best efforts of our predecessors, in formulating our Constitution, we now have, in 2002, a substitute watered-down version of our original 1867 Constitution.

With so many unlawful alterations and omissions this new Constitution hardly seems to portray a true Constitutional Monarchy at all. In fact we are now openly said to be a democracy instead of a Constitutional Monarchy.

Because of the restriction of time on the length of my speech, I will welcome questions at the end, if there is time.

Compare what we had previously with what we now have in 2002

We need to look closely at the Constitution of 1867 which successfully maintained our links with the United Kingdom, directly and quite apart from the Federal Government which came into being in 1901.

We need to compare what we had previously with what we now have under this new modern Queensland Constitution 2001, and check to see and to comprehend the enormity of the effect on us of this vandalism by republican sympathizers.

Let's notice the extent to which the history, nature and meaning of the original Constitution of Queensland and its built-in rights and freedoms has been hidden from us, or totally obliterated, by this so-called "consolidation" process which has finally happened about eight years after republicans formulated their take-over strategy.

Many of the alterations and particularly the changes to the entrenched provisions have come about through the workings of the invalid "Australia Acts" in 1986.

I will use the term "section" when referring to the content of the Constitution of 1867, and the term "clause" when referring to the Constitution 2001.

Section 1 of our Constitution describes Queensland as a colony with a Legislative Assembly, presided over by the Queen (or Her Representative). Parliament deliberately entrenched that section. It is therefore unalterable except as authorized by the direct will of the people by referendum.. It is unlawfully breached by Clause 7, which no longer describes Queensland as having been constituted a 'Colony'. Retaining the status of "Colony" as in Section 1 ensures we remain a Monarchy. But Clause 7 of the new Constitution omitted it, after saying that the description of "Colony" is entrenched and could not be changed. Omitting it altogether seems very like changing it, to me.

In 1901, for purposes of the Federation Contract, the Colonies were termed "States". However, reconstituting ourselves as a "State" has uneasy republican connotations. It was not considered appropriate, needful, nor wise to rewrite the existing Constitutions so as to re-constitute the existing monarchical Colonies as "States".

Section 53 is still law, and it is still entrenched unless a referendum grants approval to change it. It compels Parliament to hold a Referendum before passing any law that interferes with entrenched sections of the Constitution. Despite this, every Parliamentarian voted to pass the Australia Acts (Request) Act without authority. Evidence shows that Parliamentary members (and ex-members) cannot justify their actions then nor their inaction since. They have done nothing to have the referendum held, nor the Australia Acts (Request) Act repealed under Section 53.

Section 53 was inserted in the Queensland Constitution in 1977, specifically to prevent unauthorized changes to the following most valuable sections, unless the people agree by a prior referendum.

Yet unlawful unauthorized changes were made by Australia Act 1986 to entrenched Sections of the 1867 Constitution.

Section 11A - defined the office of the "Queen's representative" and forbade any "abolition of or alteration in the office of Governor" "except in accordance with section 53" [which requires a referendum.]

NOTE: Quietly, without a referendum, Section 11A (3)(a) had much of its distinctive Monarchical content omitted by Sec.13 of the First Schedule of the Australia Act to suit republicans.

Section 11B - defined the duty of the Governor to obey the Queen's instructions expecially re "his powers" "of assenting to or dissenting from or for reserving for" Her Majesty's pleasure Bills to be passed by the Legislative Assembly".

NOTE: Through the unlawful amendment of this section 11B by Sec.13 of the First Schedule of the Australia Act, this section was grossly changed, quietly, without a referendum, so that now Governors are not required to obey the instructions of the Queen whom they represent.

Section 14 - Governor's power to appoint and dismiss certain officers [ministers] was "subject to 11B".

NOTE: Without a referendum, Section 13 of the First Schedule of the Australia Act, again removes the Constitutional requirement for the Governors to obey the Queen whom they represent.

In the new Constitution of 2001, Parliament has consolidated the above changes and even made more changes contrary to the provisions inserted into the Constitution in 1977 to protect us, the people, from them, the State, and a possible dictatorial government.

Under the guise of consolidating the Queensland Constitution, new headings and new clauses have in effect repealed the 1867 Constitution and substituted a new one, or else we have two constitutions, operative together. In that case it has to be said openly which Constitution takes precendence.

Republicans want POWER unfettered by a Monarchy, and they hope to be able eventually to achieve such power through a Constitution rewrite.

All the political parties have had a hand in helping to develop, through 'consolidation", a non-Monarchical version of the Constitution Act of 1867! In fact in the case of the Australia Acts (Request) Act, there was quite a deal of collusion between all parliamentarians. This gave the government Power over the people, but NOT with God's authority.

1982-85 produced serious republican threats and efforts against the 1867 Constitution in an attempt to make unlawful changes. The Prime Minister, all Premiers and party leaders were involved in secret negotiations to find reasons and ways to vandalize the Constitutions of the Colonies. They aimed to sever State links with the Monarchy, without asking voters for approval.

That culminated in 1985/6 in the unexpected co-operation of Premier Joh and all the Parliament in the unauthorized passing of the Australia Acts (Request) Act. This enactment then contributed to giving power to both the Commonwealth and the UK Parliaments to pass the unauthorized Australia Act 1986. Extensive changes, such as removal of checks and balances that Section 53 was inserted to protect, were caused to Queensland's Constitution through Section 9 of the First Schedule of the Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985.

The Australia Act breached Section 2, now allowing one State to overrule laws and practices in another State so as to regulate or tax persons and activities in that State, creating dangerous and detrimental possibilities.  We could become victims of planned political agendas and oppressive laws originating in other States.  As an example - N.S.W. now has power to legislate to prevent fruit-growing in S.E.Queensland to reduce fruitfly danger to N.S.W.  Special Federal laws could overrule objections from Queensland, increasing Federal control.

Serious damage was also done to the rights of Queenslanders through a constitutional change caused by Section 2(1) of the same Schedule.  The Constitution in Section 2 limits law-making to "within the colony" only, but the Australia Act makes 'extra-territorial' law-making legal.  The Constitutional restriction was entrenched in 1977 and cannot lawfully be removed unless the people give authority for the change by referendum.

Although these changes are invalid, they are not rectified in the consolidation of this new Constitution.  How can Parliament justify blatantly breaching Section 53 in 1985 and now again in 2001.


I EMPHASIZE: The Constitution does not belong to politicians, but to the people.

It seems legally possible to have the Australia Acts (Request) Act repealed at any time, because according to Sec.53 such an unauthorized Act is null and void forever.  It has never at any time had the force of a valid Act because the people gave no authority to Parliament for the changes to our Constitution to occur (by whatever means).

Our Parliament cannot escape responsibility for these changes, nor for that republican treachery that makes the Queen be seen as a mere figurehead in Her Realm.  Queensland's Australia Acts (Request) Act, passed almost 10 years after the entrenchment of Sec.53 in 1977, and after the relevant High Court case in 1975, was also merely to add weight to the Commonwealth request to the British Government to pass an Act to alter entrenched provisions of the Queensland Constitution.  With the passing of the Australia Act in the UK and in Canberra, it is thus our State Request Act that can be treated as itself affecting entrenched sections of the State Constitution by effecting (causing) the changes.

Therefore urgent action needs to be taken to challenge the Australia Act 1986 in the High Court on the basis of evidence that the Queensland Request Act cannot be constitutionally valid because of

(a) the High Court Case in 1975
(b) the ruling by Chief Justice Roper in 1952,
(c) the Acts Interpretation Act,
(d) non-compliance with Federal Constitution Sec.51(xxxviii) which requires all States to agree.

In more detail...

I came 10th on First Preferences out of 129 Queensland candidates in the 1997 election to the Commonwealth Constitution Convention (Lady Flo Bjelke-Petersen came 12th), so there were obviously many thousands of voters who at that time believed the same as I do.

I emphasize this fact: The Constitution does not belong to politicians, but to the people. Because I know the value of our original Constitution, I am compelled to speak out about the need to preserve it on behalf of this and and future generations.

As loyal Queenslanders for Constitutional Monarchy, I know that you value the rights and liberties guaranteed by our 1867 Constitution, and so I have given you the details of what happened in Queensland to our detriment on 6th June 2002, when this illegitimate Constitution came into force.

My Plea to you is that you reject this fake Constitution. I recommend you take priority action, both as a group and as individuals, against the proclamation of the Queensland Constitution 2001.

Rid the Constitution of the evil effects of the unlawful passing of the Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985, which resulted in enabling the unauthorized passing of the invalid Australia Act 1986.

Campaign to restore to the people our doubly-entrenched sections - which are still lawfully protected by Sec.53 - but which have been stolen from us by treacherous collusion of all the parties at one time or another.

Overturn the Australia Act 1986, and reject republican terms in place of "Queen", "Her Majesty", and "Crown". Show that Queensland is a Monarchy, whose Parliamentarians obey their Oath of Allegiance.

This could make this consolidation exercise worthwhile in the end.


If you value your rights and liberty under the Constitution, do phone 34067111 and ask Parliament House Records Secretary to send you the new list of fax, phone and addresses of all members of Parliament. Contact as many as possible, particularly One Nation MPs and the Independents. Give them the details of what was done to our detriment in Queensland in 1985/6, and what is happening again illegally through the current rewriting of a new Constitution Act 1998. Please do your bit to urge Mps to reject this new Constitution Bill.

Point out their sworn Oath of Allegiance to the Queen puts them under a legal duty to amend this Bill. Wicked collusion between political parties enabled serious unauthorized changes to Queensland's Constitution in 1986. The Federal ALP achieved power to pass the Australia Act only because the Q'ld.National Party government co-operated unlawfully in passing their Request Act. But it was power without authority because no referendum was held. More unlawful changes were proposed in 1998 by the new LCARC Constitution Bill.

This Bill must be amended so that it will not perpetuate those evil Australia Act changes that have weakened our Queensland Christian Constitution and the Monarch's power to prevent tyrannical rule. Republican terms must not be substituted for "Queen", "Her Majesty", and "Crown". Queensland is a Monarchy, and our politicians must obey their Oath of Allegiance as loyal citizens faithful to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - or be guilty traitors. If unlawful defects are corrected, the LCARC consolidation exercise could prove worthwhile.

Finally, out ultimate aim must be -

1. to rid the Constitution of the evil effects of the unlawful passing of the invalid Australia Act 1986 and

2. to restore to the people our entrenched sections - lawfully protected by Sec.53 - that have been or are being stolen from us by treacherous collusion. Parliamentarians are not above the Law.


I EMPHASIZE: The Constitution does not belong to politicians, but to the people. Because I know the value of our Constitution, I am compelled to campaign to preserve it on behalf of this and and future generations. My plea to Parliamentarians on behalf of the many loyal Queenslanders I represent is that they become fired with patriotism and love for Queensland, and then be convinced to work, speak and vote to

Reverse the evil effects of the invalid Australia Act 1986.

Entrenched sections 11A, 11B, and 14 have been unlawfully altered by the invalid Australia Act so as to remove the Queen's authority over the Governor and make the royal checks and balances ineffective against the excesses and lawlessness of government.

Sections 11A, 11B and 14 must be amended by loyal Parliamentarians, to rid the Constitution of the evil effects of the unlawful passing of the invalid Australia Act 1986. The words that were unlawfully removed by that Act must be restored. Members who vote to retain the changes show they have divided loyalties. They will have broken their sworn Oath and defrauded the people of their rights, which is a crime that should be punished.



My plea to Parliamentarians is that they will compare the two Constitutions and be convinced of the blatant unlawfulness of trying to substitute a flawed constitution for the one that is our rightful fundamental law.

I plead with them not turn their backs on their Oaths of Allegiance, and beg them to be convinced, as representatives of the people, to work, speak and vote against the unlawful weakening of the Constitutional Monarchy that made Queensland a safe, happy, and prosperous part of this Nation, and that is meant to be protected and maintained by the Governor according to his Oath of faithfulness to the Queen.

I suggest that you ASK politicians questions about ignoring your constitutional rights

Phone or visit your politicians, or write to them, or give them a copy of this speech. It is urgent to tell them to find ways of overturning this Constitution or have it declared null and void. Ask them questions, such as:-

How can Parliament justify blatantly breaching Section 53 in 1985 and now again in 1998/9?