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A Few Questions For You

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, R.P.M. Ministries can help. I believe that the time is now for our youth to stand up and make their mark for God on our society. I'm tired of hearing our youth being labeled as the church of tommorow. They are the Church of TODAY. Most people come to know Jesus in their teen years. That means that the bulk of the mission field is before our youth. It is time for them to cause a Revolution for God. We owe it to them to train, motivate and encourage them to do it.

Let me drive home this idea of Revolution with a few definitions:

"Revolution"---A sudden, radical, or complete change

"Revolutionary"---1. Tending to or promoting revolution 2. Constituting or bringing about a major change 3. One who takes part in a revolution

"Revolutionize"---To change fundamentally or completely

My goal as a youth evangelist is to share The Gospel of Jesus with teens. However, I feel it is our resonsibility to equip them with the skills and motivation they need to take The Gospel where you and I may not be able to go. Please join with me as we pray and work together to see a generation of young people CHANGE THEIR WORLD!!!

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