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Thank You For Visiting The Home Of R.P.M. Ministries.

I'd like to take just a moment and share something with you that has been on my heart for a long time. You as a teen, have many great responsibilites laid upon your shoulders. Your parents expect you to do well in school, help around the house and stay out of trouble. Others expect you to be the person they think you are. The truth is that you are your own unique individual, thats the way God created you. As an individual, you have dreams, desires and responsibilities that are very unique to you.

You have been given a life from God to honor Him with. Only you can decide whether you do that or not. You have also been given the opportunity to make a difference in the world around you. That unique opportunity has it's time and it's season. You can miss your chance if you don't get to it now.

Wouldn't you like to see more teens in your school accept Jesus? Wouldn't you like to see your family be on fire for God? Are you tired of the way things are? Well, guess what? God has given YOU, yes YOU, the opportunity to cause changes in those areas. But you must be willing to step out, step in, and step up to the challenge.

Did you know that most people who come to know Jesus in a personal way, do so while they are in school? Who do you think has a better chance to lead your classmates to God, your youth pastor who works while your in school, you're parents who often don't have the time or you? I think it's you.

YOUR TIME IS NOW. PLEASE DONT LET YOUR SCHOOL YEARS PASS WITHOUT MAKING A DIFFERENCE. Please do me a couple of favors. Talk to your pastor or youth pastor about what you can do to reach your friends with the love of God. Remember that I am praying daily for teens accross the country (that includes you) and tell your youth pastor about this site.

Feel free to e-mail me if you have a question or need to talk.

In His Grip, Tyler

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