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Evangelism Workshops

Do you know what the two most embarrasing questions to ask a Christian are?

Do these questions sting a little? They should for most of us. After all, the commision that Jesus left us with was to GO and make disciples of ALL men.

Our youth are faced with a massive mission field before them. You know the statistics. Most people come to a relationship with Jesus Christ in thier TEEN YEARS! This leaves our youth with a great responsibility. I believe God wants to use our teens in a mighty way from the school to the neighborhood and everyplace in between.

Unfortunatlly, many times we try to emphasize to our youth (and adults) the need to share their faith without telling them how to do it. Too often, we as pastors and evangelists, expect people to have the zeal, ability and desire to witness. These are things that need to be nurtured and taught.

Does this mean that we should teach people how to pick a street corner where they can preach to people? I dont think so. We are faced with opportunities everyday to be a witness for Christ. Sadly, many people have no clue as to how the subject of Eternal Life can be brought into a casual conversation. It can be done.

These Evangelism Workshops will teach youth or adults several key things about sharing our faith. It will literally cover the who, what, why, where, when and how of witnessing. Subjects include:

* Why should we witness?

* How do I develope a burden for the lost?

* Where do I begin?

* How do I get the conversation rolling?

* How to use my testomony

* What should I say?

* Handling objections

* Some do's and dont's

* Interactive role play (this is a blast!)

These workshops can be done over a weekend or even as long as a week. Sometimes a one night workshop works best for small groups. Many times I like to take youth out into a well known public hang-out to try out their new skills after a workshop.

Remember, God doesn't expect us to be experts or even successfull. He does however, expect us to be faithfull!

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