note: READ THIS!!!! ^_^ right now, i'm not going to nitpick anyone for breaking a teeny weeny rule. i don't want to have to be picky about blah blah blah and essay-length signatures. i'll continue to be lenient, and the only thing you need to know is BASIC ML NETIQUETTE. i don't expect everyone to remember all the rules. there *are* newbies. ^_^ and we shall receive them with open arms!
HOWEVER. when things start to rub off on everyone, then i'll announce that i will lay more emphasis on the rules below.
necessary for the survival of all ml-ers.
1.) No flames. Absolutely no flames. We know, some of you can't stand Aya or Yohji. It's okay to say, "I can't stand him", but "Yohji sucks" aren't allowed. No attacks or hate speech will be tolerated, regardless if it were aimed at a person on the list, a character from the anime, or whatever. If someone does flame, and you wish to reply, reply *off* the list.
2.) No one-liners. This clogs people's mailboxes and are simply annoying. This means, no "Me too!"s or "Me three!"s. Now something like, "I'm soo~oo stunned by your fic that it left me speechless!" will be acceptable. All C&C are appreciated-the longer, though, the better.
3.) No off-topic messages. Try to keep messages around Schwarz. Anything relative to Weiss kreuz (merchandise, anime, seiyuu, manga, etc.) will be accepted.
4.) Don't forget to use the proper subject lines! If it is a fanfic you're sending, don't forget to put [Fanfic] on the subject line.
5.) Use appropriate spoiler spaces. Some e-mail programs like to pop the message out. The more specific, the better.
6.) It'd be really, *really* kind to leave signatures less than six lines. ^^;;; I won't be too picky on this, but I will e-mail those of you who have a paragraph of .sig to cut it off.
7.) Cut off the irrelevant parts of the original message when replying. It's just wasting space. When replying and quoting, include only relevant material from the post(s) you are replying to. If you're only replying to two paragraphs out of four, cut off the other two, along with the signature. Also cut off things things that advertise themselves on the bottom of e-mails when replying.
8.) Absolutely NO SPAM! We don't need any chain letters going through the ML. That means no virus warnings, no love tests, and etc.
9.) Be polite-don't use fluent cursing. Cursing sh*t, f*ck, and etc. may offend someone. If you just *have* to do it, please censor it someway. Profanity in fanfics *are* allowed-just warn readers.
10.) When posting a fic, inform us of any warnings whatsoever that may happen in that particular chapter.
11.) You need to be able to know when to reply to the list, and when to reply privately. Do *not* apologize to the list if you have broken one (or more) of the rules. If you really wish too, please include it in another message. People don't like seeing apologies spreading throughout the list.
12.) No attached binary files. You may do one of the following: 1.) point members to a URL, 2.) upload it to the eGroups archive and take it down in a month's time, or 3.) offer it through e-mail to members interested.
13.) Do *not* post messages in HTML format unless the HTML format box is clicked (this applies to those posting through eGroups). For those who are sending messages through e-mail, no HTML formatted messages.
14.) If you wish to unsubscribe, do *not*, please do *not*, ask the entire ML. Rather, send a message to and they will automatically remove you. If not, you could privately e-mail me about it, and I will manually unsubscribe you.
15.) All messages with the [Admin] tag must be read.
16.) Redundancy. There will sometimes be big discussions going on, and you are allowed to post your opinions more than just once! Maybe you forgot something, or whatever. But don't do it five times in a row--people don't find the same five arguments very interesting and will completely ignore your posts. Redundancy is a very bad thing. ^_^
fuah. i think that's it for now. rules will be sent once in a while to remind members. ^_^ just remember, and you'll have no problem!