Factory Cheif's Bios
FACTORY CHIEF'S BIOS: The Factory Chief has created a bio beam to help create these bios
Age: Over 100
Height: 8 to 10 feet
Weight: Over 1000 pounds
Food: Mechanical Donuts
Goal: To take over the universe
Favorite Quote: I am burning with
Other soldiers: Shysters, Machine
Mades, Smelters, Glum Reapers,(he has to many solders to tell all of
High Solders: Mack, Bowyer, Yardivoch, Axem
Rangers, Blades, Boomer, Count Down, Domino and Cloaker, Gunyolks
Description: He is machine-like and is the most a powerful foe. He usually rides around Exor which is more than Bowser's Keep.
Comment: I am the most powerfulest dictator and I well take over all!
But don't worry I wouldn't go to your dimension! Heck own half of this webpage! Well please enjoy our page!
Rank: Leader of the Smithy Gang
Other: A complete genuis especially with computers and mathemetics
Smithy's opinion: My favorite character off all! 10 Stars out of 10!
Croco's Opinion: Smithy's my companion! 10 stars out of 10
Gender: male
Hight: 5.6 meters without armor/ 6 meters with armor
Weight: 120 lbs.
Occupation: Explorer,Admiral , and Computer genius of Busber Military
Weapon of Choice: Sweep Rifle
Ship: Type 2 Busber Medium Assault Fighter
Age: 18
Other: Commander Fleet 2 and Explorer and made first portable wormhole
Favorite Food: Hamburgers and frys
Busby's Opinion: HEY! He's my favorite character! 10 Stars out of 10!
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 5'2
Weight: 120 pounds
Goal: To rob every house in the Mushroom Kingdom, Rose Town, Nimbus Land, Moleville, etc.
Minions: Crook, K-9, Sky Troopa, Frogog, Goomba, etc.
Weapons: Bombs and other enemies that come out of his sack
Robbed from Mario's Party: All of their gold coins and one frog coin
Hiding Spots: Bandit's Way and the Moleville Mines
Weakness: Fire
Description: The fastest runner and is in to bombs! He is a good criminal
and he stole the Hero Shirt, Prince Pants, Star Cape, Heal Shell, and
Royal Dress from me (Smithy) That is how he got to sell you that armor.
Smithy's Opinion: He's my cool, speedy friend! 10 stars out of 10!
Croco's Opinion: I am Croco!!!! 10 stars out of 10!
Name: Bomberman
Gender: Male
Nickname: Bomb
From: Bomber Planet
Foes: Altair, Siruis, Bagula, and now Smithy
Rank: The best bomber and is highered usually for the tough missions
Weakness: Water [ If he has no equipment]
Smithy's opinion: A cool bomb guy I like him. 10 stars out of 10
Gender: Clock
Height: 15 feet
Weight: 551 pounds
Skill: Can travel through time
Weakness: Not to good
with physical punishment
Favorite soldier: The Ding a lings on top of
Favorite Words: Likes to say what the time it is
Job: Usually a guard.
Comment: Hey don't tell anybody but I'm the one who brought the Yoshis
to life! You see I went back to the dinousar age some time ago (but I
guess it doesn't matter with me) Brought some to the present (as it
would to be) but something with the Star Road and transformed them into
the Yoshis! If you don't agree with me then don't agree I know I did!
Description: It has Ding a lings on top to help him and can travel
through time much better than Kamek! In fact, I should not be telling
you this but he is coming up with a plan to turn every bell into a ding-a-ling
Age: 2 years from when the first one was made
Weight: 30 tons
Skill: Breaker Beam
Fuel: Lava
Food: Lava
Race: War-Machine
Best Weapon: Breaker Beam
Height: 7'5
Designer: Factory Chief
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 400 pounds
Goal: To become a great solder
Skill: Physical and Magic
Weakness: Physical and magic
Foe: Mario
Job: Solder
Rank: High Solder
Desrciption: Good with his sword and has been watching to many army
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Weight: 200 pounds
Height: 7'4
Goal: To have a great promotion
Soldier: Drill Bit
Abilities: Can split in to two and is a master of disguise
Shining Moment: When Mario gave him the star
Description: He is always trying to get some brownie points. He is a
master of disguise and can split into two to show of his physical
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Transportation: Blade
Height: 5'
Weight: 110 lbs. pounds
Enemy: Anybody or anything that is on the good side
Quote: I fight for Evil
Copy of: The Red Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger. (Though he's the opposite)
Rank: Leader of the Axem Rangers and they are Smithy's best soldiers
Gender: Male
Race: Knife
Age: 22
Height: 5'8
Weight: 180
Soldier: Shyster
Goal: To have a big gang of his own
Gender: Male
Race: A mixture of animals
Age: Surely Old
Height: 8 feet
Weight: Two Tons
Goal: I have no idea (but it has to be very strange)
Skill: He can clone people
Weakness: Lightning
Likes: Saying riddles of some type and has a HUGE
Type: Fire
Race: Fire Dragon
Age: Before Earth began
Punishment: Had to stay in Barrel Volcano since life began
Height: 15 feet
Favorite Drink: Lava
Place of Birth: The Sun
Likes: Swimming in Lava
Hates: Anything cold
Skeleton Form: Zombone
Gender: Male
Type: Physical
Height: Less than 1 foot
Weight: Less than 30 pounds
Goal: To become a great physical force of the dojo
Student: Jagger
Surprised that: When Mario beat him at a fight
Job: Master of th dojo at Monstro Town
Desciption: He is certaintly more than he looks like. Never under-estimate him just by his looks!
Gender: Unknown (probably male)
Age: Immortal
Height: 24 feet
Weight: Weightless
From: Vanida
Treasure: Quartz Charm
Description: He is a master of time and space. Owns four crystals called the Elemental Crystals. They're Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. He is powerful and explores other dimenstions.
Smithy's Opinion: With all his/her's powers I wish that he/she could be on my team but I've never met him/her 10 stars out of 10
Croco's Opinion: He has all the powers of the elements which makes him a kick butt badguy! WICKED!!! 10 stars out of 10
Gender: Male
Age: 106
Height: 5'6
Race: Magikoopas
Skill: Magic
Weakness: Physical punishment
Goal: To destroy the Mario Bros when they're babies and to become a great sorcerer
Rank: Leader of the Magikoopas
Description: He can bring enemies up to
help him with his magic
Hates: Axem Black
Similiar to: Axem Green. Like him she loves nature
Age: 26
Height: 5'3
Weight: 66 pounds
Description: She is is into all that fashion stuff and always has to be
all pretty. She despises Axem Black with lack of rudeness to her. She is
the healer of the Axem Rangers.
Our opinion: I like the ranger, she's cool and really cute! 7 stars out of 10
Race: Koopas
Age: 43
Height: 10'8
Weight: Broke the Scale
Favorite Food: Lava Supreme
Hates: Pretty much hates EVERYBODY
Goal: To take over Mushroom Kingdom
Quote: Mwha ha ha
Description: Bowser is REALLY tough
His comments: Mwa ha ha! You'll NEVER ever take my castle again Smithy!
Our Opinion: I like him he is tough, BIG, and has a cool army like
ours. Plus Koopas is the race of the future (unless robots or crocodiles take over). 8 out of 10 stars
Race: Ugly weirdos
Height: 4'6
Weight: 125 pounds
Age: 21
Likes: Beetles
Description: One crazy maniac
Our Opinion: We like this maniac who has a great manner of physical
punishment and a lot of really cool trains and bombs. 7 out of 10 stars
Age: It was eaten
Height: 11 feet
Weight: 300 pounds
Race: A CAKE made by Chef Torte
Description: It is a mystery of how he became alive. This monster has
great magic.
Our Opinion: We can't think of anything good to say!. 7 out of 10 stars
Age: 26
Height: 5'3
Weight: 120 pounds
Race: A cook of Terrapins
Description: He'll fight someone if they ruin his creation of people not
getting to taste it.
His Comments: Vat are you doing. I zee great cook Torte vell have a
master piece of best cooking zee pizza.
Our Opinion: He may make delicious food but he is slow. But we like the way he talks so we'll give him 6 out of 10 stars
Other name: Sparky, Podoboo
Hates: Anything Cold
A soldier of: Czar Dragon
Skill: Fire
Favorite Food: Lava Supreme
Our opinion: Sparky, Podoboo, Pyrosphere it doesn't matter because we like these cool (I mean hot!) fireballs! 9 out of 10 stars.
Age: 9
Height (without hair): 3'3
Height (with hair): 4'11
Weight: 99 pounds
Rank: One of Bowser's kids
Twin brother of: Larry Koopa
Description: He is the cutetest Koopa but this may trick
you for he is very evil and very tricky.
Our opinion: We like that cute, evil Koopa Kid. He also
rides on the ball which is pretty cool. We personally think that he has is the most acrobatic which is extremely awesome! 9 out of 10 stars
Age: Various (around 36)
Height: Most are around 6'5
Weight: Most are around 300 lbs.
Hair: No one knows (they wear helmets)
Weapon: Hammers
Job: Guardians of Bowser/Smithy
Race: Koopas
Profession: Hurling hammmers at plumbers!
Hobby: Knitting (Teasing, he throws hammers)
Friends: The Boomerang, Fire and Sledge Brothers
Appearances: SMB, SMB3, (Boomerang, Fire and Sledge Brothers) SMW (Sumo Brother is related to them) SMRPG
Smithy's Opinion: They are neat with their hammers and all. 7 stars out of 10
Croco's Opinion: These guys look really buff in SMRPG. But they should be stronger and they looked geeky in SMB so I give them 7 stars out of 10
Age: 102
Height: 2'2
Weight: Weigthless
Race: Ghost
Job: Wanders in the death areas (as Smithy likes to call them) of Exor
Goal: To become like the Grim Reaper
Born: Was created with Ghost power at one of Smithy old factories
Hangs with: Doppel and Ameibod
Description: The Grim Reapers children you could say.
Their Comments: (They make Ghost sounds)
Smithy's opinion: One of my deadly kind who has a fatal attack which I
like. 9 out of 10 stars!
Age: 17
Height: 5'
Weight: 110 lbs.
Hair: Black
Quote: Heh Red, my shades are broken
Weapons: Axes and bombs
Favorite Ranger: Axem Pink (She's a babe)
Wears: Shades
Race: Robots
Boss: Axem Red and Smithy
Croco Opinion: Axem Black is my second fave badguy! Smithy's third They are all cool. 10 stars out of 10!
Age: 41
Height: 3'1
Weight: 40 pounds
Weapon: Teeth
Hair: Bald
Daughters: Goombettes
Father: Grand Goomba
Shoes: Brown
Race: Mushroom
Expression: Angry
Worst Deed: Betrayed the Mushroom Kingdom
Croco's Opinion: He's a short, stumpy, smelly, old mushroom. 3 stars out of 10
Race: A guardian of the Star Road
Age: The age of the stars
Height: 5'9
Weight: 133 pounds
Profession: Magic, Beams
Forms: Doll, Stars and a D (????????????? at the end of the game)
Other Name: %#$@&!
Home: Star Road and Rose Town (doll
Favorite color: Blue
Job: Main controller of the Star Pieces (Together or not)
Smithy's opinion: I like that cool doll I just wish I could get him on the evil side. 9 out of 10 stars!
Croco's opinion: He's my favorite Super Mario RPG party member. 10 stars out of 10!!!
Age: 10
Height: 4'
Weight: 95 lbs.
Weapons: Fists, Sticks, Cymbals
Hair: Pinkish-Purple
Home: Grew up in Tadpole Pond and lives in Nimbus Land
Magic: Thunder, Ice and Healing
Parents: King and Queen Nimbus
Shoes: Pinkish-Purple
Description: He has blue pants with a brown belt. He's a strong little tike who cries a lot (and when he cries it rains)
Croco's Opinion: He's defeintly the cutest and (I think) most talented member of your party. Maybe except for Geno. 9 stars out of 10
Name: Jonathon Jones
Age: 80
Gender: Male
Height: 6'8
Weight: 1,080 pounds
Drink: Current Juice
Description: Spirits of the people went into a shark and now rules the
sunken ship. He'll be your friend if you can beat him at a fight
Smithy's opinion: A cool shark Like like him. 7 stars out of 10
Name: Shy Ranger
Gender: ????
Age: 100
Height: 4 feet
Weight: 80 pounds
Description: A powerful shy guy who spends it's time in the Pipe Vault
confronted it will retreit
Smithy's opinion: A cool ranger in the color gold. 6 stars out of 10
Name: Snifit 3
Gender: Male
Age: 60
Height: 4'5
Weight: 1000 ponds
Description: Power spookum is Booster's 3rd snifit and he wants 7
Smithy's opinion: Pretty cool. 5 stars out of 10
Email: doc_doom@hotmail.com