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AIDS in Africa
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The HIV/AIDS plague is the single most devastating health problem confronting humanity today, threatening to wipe out entire generations.

Throughout much of the developing world, AIDS is continuing its deadly march at a persistent speed. It is estimated that as many as 19 million people have already lost their lives to AIDS. More than 35 million live with AIDS today, most of which have little hope of surviving. This year alone, roughly 10 million children will lose their mothers to AIDS.

In many parts of Africa, whole nations live in fear from this epidemic. Over two-thirds of the people who are HIV-positive live in sub-Saharan Africa, home to just ten percent of the world’s population.

AIDS is eliminating not only Africa’s present, but its future as well. It is removing much of an entire generation of people during what would otherwise have been their most productive years, adding significant numbers of newborn children born with HIV/AIDS, in a seemingly endless cycle of tragedy.

-Zambia's president, Frederick Chiluba

"The AIDS crisis has slipped off radar screens in the West thanks to heightened awareness on prevention and improved drugs to treat the disease. However the disease is laying waste to the continent of Africa, weakened by a decade-long debt crisis that has systematically undermined the health and education system. The combination of AIDS and Debt has been deadly - and has highlighted more than ever the scandal of the debt crisis which has extracted scarce resources from impoverished people.

"Recent research by the United Nations AIDS programme in Geneva have shown that the world-wide total of people infected with HIV is 33.4 million, up from 27.6 million last year. There are 16,000 new HIV infections every day. 95 per cent of the infections have occurred in regions with the highest debt burdens in particular Africa., but also Asia and Eastern Europe.

"The worst hit region is sub-Saharan Africa, where 70 per cent of all new infections and 80 per cent of deaths occur. UNAIDS estimates that there are 22.5 million people with HIV/AIDS in the region. Since the first AIDS deaths were recorded in the 1980s, 83 per cent of the world's AIDS deaths have been in sub-Saharan Africa, and 95 per cent of the world's AIDS orphans are African."

-AIDS and Debt: Africa's deadly combination, Jubilee 2000 Coalition

-Glenn Fowler, MD and HIV specialist