Twins and Jesse Blue
Patr 2.
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© Copyright 1999 Stellar Spark Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs FanFic page by Stellar Spark Email: Stellar Spark (
Twins and Jesse Blue. Part 1. |
"Good work, Star Sheriffs!" Commander Eagle greeted his subordinates when they walked into the control room. "You’ve done your part of job, now it’s our turn. You can take a rest now.
"You mean that you will deal the base yourselves?" asked Saber Rider.
"Yes, certainly. The Scouts have reported that it stayed defenseless. The Outriders were in panic. Many of them tried to escape in one-man ships, hoping that no one would notice it.
C: "Should we chase them?"
CE: "There is no need for it. They aren't a threat to us anymore. Anyways, most of them have already headed back to their own dimension."
FB: "And what about Jesse Blue?"
Commander Eagle frowned.
"I’ve sent a patrol squad to intercept him, but no one has seen him from the moment Colt has lost him."
C: "I’m not sure those dudes can handle that guy. You need a professional for a work like that."
FB: "You are talking about yourself, aren't you?" He asked with an acid grin.
C: "Why not?! We are almost equal with him, only I have more experience!"
SR: "Colt, you are exaggerating. I remember one time when he almost killed you when you’ve met him one on one."
C: "No! I was only pretending!"
FB: "Yea, sure!"
C: "You don't believe me?!"
No one answered Colt, which made him furious.
C: "I’ll show you!"
He was about to snap running, but a firm hand from Saber Rider laid on his shoulder holding him back.
SR: "You better ask the Commander first."
Colt looked at the Commander Eagle.
CE: "Go Colt. If you find out something, just let us know about it. Dismissed. By the way, where’s April?"
FB: "She’s with Remrod right now, checking on the damages. She says that a lot of fixing needs to be done on the ship. Stellar is with her at the hangar." He gave away all this comprehensive information almost in one second.
At the same time, a comlink belled. Commander Eagle walked to the console and pushed the button. The voice of a communication officer came through the speakers.
"It's Miss Stellar, Sir."
CE: "Turn her in!"
S: "Hello Daddy! April is asking you to send a technician down to hangar 3."
CE: "All right. Tell April, that I want to speak with her."
There came some unclear voice from the speakers - Stellar was transferring the message to her sister.
S: "Daddy, she says that she is very busy right now. She wants the ship to be ready as soon as possible before you’ll need it again." Explained Stellar.
"All right." muttered the Commander, but his face showed that he was delighted of his daughters.
The connection broke off and immediately the com. officer turned on.
"It's Colt, Commander! I’ll replay the message."
Through the static noise Colt’s voice started saying: "I’ve found the ranger's ships. Most of them are destroyed and some are stock in the wreckage. Looks like Jesse wasn’t playing careful with them. I don’t see any survivors... Hey, wait a moment! In Fighter MR106, there is someone alive. He’s signaling, maybe his radio’s busted. Commander, what should I do: help the survivors or follow Jesse Blue?"
CE: "Communication control! Switch me to a direct line with Colt!"
Some cracks in the speakers, and static. Then all of them disappeared - the com. Officer cleared the air for them.
CE: "This is Commander Eagle, Colt. Can you hear me?"
C: "Clearly, Commander! What should I do?"
CE: "Follow Jesse Blue. We will rescue the squad ourselves. Stay in contact."
Commander Eagle turned back to the Star Sheriffs and saw April walking to the command post. She looked tired, but was hiding it. Stellar walked up right behind her.
CE: "How is Remrod, April? He asked, "How long will it take to fix it?"
A: "I don’t know. Remrod can fly, but only for a limited time. Right now, the guys from the repair group are working under it."
CE: "I haven’t called for the technicians yet!"
À: “That’s why I had to do it myself!”
CE: "Alright, I think we can manage without Remrod from now. Take your time with the report.
A: "Hmm… Can we?.." she stopped her words looking at her father with the sparkling eyes. All of the sudden, she wasn’t tired anymore. In fact, she was fresh and ready for work now.
CE: "What?"
À: "Can we help with the rescue opperation?"
Saber Rider and Fireball were silent, but one could see that both of them didn't like where this was going.
CE: "April? How did you find out about the fighters? I’ve just got the word. Or were you listening?" he wanted to take her mind from that idea.
A: "Colt's Bronco Buster is always connected to Remrod." She quickly answered on her daddy's accusation and returned to her question: "So, are we going or what?"
CE: "You want to take Stellar in the open space? Interesting, how are you planing to do that? Right now, I don’t have any available crafts for joy-rides. All pilots are busy and it may be dangerous."
April looked straight in her father’s eyes.
A: "It’s not a joy-ride. We want to help people!"
CE: "I’ve said that there are no ships available!" He hoped that this argument will keep his daughters on the safe side.
A: "But we have two robo-steeds! I hope Saber Rider doesn't mind me riding Steed?"
She glanced over at Saber Rider with scenic humbleness. He only blinked.
Commander Eagle was silent expecting that Saber Rider would talk her out of it.
SR: "It would be better if you won’t do it."
CE: "Saber Rider is right, April. I personally prefer to choose more safer circumstances for Stellar’s first out space journey..."
S: "Please, father! I really want to help somehow."
CE: "And you can! Call your mother and thank her for her help. And… tell her that as that we’ll land on Lavana soon."
S: "All right." And she walked to the com officer accompanied by April.
A: "They won’t let us out from the ship until all the Outriders around here are destroyed."
So, they left while Commander Eagle and the two Star Sheriffs waited for the next message from Colt.
* * *
C: "Commander, it looks like the base is completely abandoned. No Outriders are in sight, and I don’t see Jesse Blue anywhere" he reported after a short silence.
SR: That’s strange.. They usually are protecting their burrows up to the last."
FB: "Then again... They do have a new Trail Boss now - Jesse Blue. He uses different tactics."
C: "I think I will take a closer look at this hole."
SR: "Colt, wait. Something is not right here."
CE: "Yes, it’s too easy." He took a second to think, "Probably we should scan the near by space for an ambush."
While Commander Eagle passed the orders down, Saber Rider argued with Colt since the cowboy wanted to go inside the base, but Saber would not let him. It wasn’t often when the Outriders were leaving their bases without blowing it up afterwards. However, now it was a unique opportunity to have this untouched base open up for further investigation.
"No large groups are discovered. The Outrider ships are leaving this quadrant in groups of three or four." followed a report from an officer in the Scan Control.
CE: "Colt, approach the asteroid slowly. But, be careful, there might be an automatic defense system."
In a few minutes Colt called back.
C: "Right, there is one! But its misses are too obvious. It looks like someone purposely knocked down the aim."
FB: "Or it happened by itself."
C: "Possible. Anyways, I’ve destroyed it."
CE: Okay, approach the main gates. We are following your trajectory exactly but will stop in two radiuses from the asteroid. Colt, go inside."
Colt's Bronco Buster was hanging near the tempting opened doors of the Outrider base. It was calling to go inside, but he had that weird feeling of the danger waiting him. He lingered. Then, not finding anything suspicious, his craft slowly moved forward.
"Commander! Radiation rays are being registered. It is directed from the edge of the asteroid field to the base."
But the warning came too late. Commander Eagle saw the gigantic asteroid started to break up. Faster and faster like something was pushing them from the inside. Finally, the powerful blast teared the monolith of the rock, making a space dust out of it. Now, it was clear why it was so easy for Cavalry Command to capture the base - Jesse simply waited for one of the Star Sheriffs to enter it and blew it up all together afterwards. He knew that he was not going to succeed in destroying Remrod, but nonetheless, he would be satisfied if he could put out of action 1/4 of crew of the famous Earth battle ship.
CE: "Contact Colt on the double!"
April ran to her father.
A: "Colt was there?"
She saw the destruction of the base.
Commander Eagle nodded desperately.
"He doesn't answer!" a voice came from the speaker.
"The debris, Sir! They are coming in our direction!" the second speaker warned.
CE: "Go to a safe distance!" ordered the Commander, still watching the point where Colt’s ship was just a moment ago
A: "We are not leaving Colt there, are we?"
SR: "I’ll go search for him!"
A: "Me too!"
They have parted out from the command room and ran down to their robo-steeds. Soon, two bright quick stars were running to the former Outrider base.
Stellar came out from the radio shack.
S: "I have transferred what you have asked me to. Hey, what’s going on here?"
CE: "The Outriders have blasted up the base, when Colt was there."
* * *
There were not any spatial search instruments on the robo-steeds, so they had to hope to find him through visual contact. Saber Rider on Steed was a little ahead of April.
SR: "There he is!"
A: "Oh, my God! Bronco Buster is almost destroyed! I only hope that Colt is alive!"
SR: "We have to hope for the best."
And the rest of the way they made in silence."
Bronco Buster slowly drifted near a big metalled piece of the base. One side of it was concaved while the atmospheric wings were torned and crumpled. Fortunately, the cabin wasn’t damaged much. April approached it and looked inside.
A: "Saber, he’s unconscious. We should take him to the flagman ship immediately."
SR: "Wait, I’ll secure the cable and we’ll tow him." Saying that he already was creeping on the broken Bronco Buster. On the bottom of the ship there was a special compartment with extra oxygen tanks and other necessary things in case of critical situations. Among all that stuff there were two spools of a metal cable.
He pitched one line to April so she could attach it to Nova’s croup, and with the second cable in hand, he jumped on Steed’s back. Bronco Buster wasn’t very heavy, so it wasn’t too hard to move it. Within 15 minutes, Colt was brought into the infirmary. The ship doctor came in and checked on him. He gave some instructions on how to treat him, and then left to take care of other fighter pilots. Stellar decided to look after Colt. She carefully treated her only patient, following the doctor’s instructions wordwise. She ordered the rest not to enter Colt’s room since he wasn't well enough to receive any visitors yet. The Star Sheriffs and Commander Eagle, who wanted to know the detailness on the cowboy's current condition, had to obey and wait in the corridor at the open door.
A bridge officer walked to them.
"Sir," he called the Commander Eagle, "you’re needed at the bridge."
The Commander nodded and left. The officer looked into the open door and asked: "How is he?"
SR: "The doctor said that there is nothing serious - he received a blow on the head during the blast."
Colt heard the voice in the corridor and wanted to sit, but Stellar’s hand kept him down on the bed.
S: "Stay down! Or you’ll feel dizzy."
"Star Sheriffs, return to your posts." Ordered the officer, and asked now addressing to Stellar, "When you’ll return him to us?"
S: "According to my experience and patient’s condition, I would say- in two hours he’ll be able to return to active duty." without a stumble reported Stellar.
"I’ll give your words to the Commander Eagle" smiled the officer and closed the door.
C: "Stellar, you’re charming!" gabbled out the lad.
S: "Don’t talk! And don’t move! Or I’ll give you the sleeping-pills."
* * *
Within the next few hours, all captains of the Cavalry Command star fleet and the Star Sheriffs gathered in Commander Eagle’s office.
CE: "As you all ready know, Remrod destroyed three renegades. Hmm… the last, the third one were destroyed with the help of our allies Remrod gave us a clear run to the base. The Outriders have left it without a fight, but with a surprise to us - a remote controlled bomb. They waited until one of our ships was going be within range and activated it. Luckily, our scout, Colt who was right next to the explosion, is okay. The total losses of this operation has not exceed as rated. In other words - the Outrider base in 277 sector stopped its existence. My congratulations!"
After a short approving hum, one of the captains asked for a to speak.
"I would like to now the current conditions regarding to Remrod's repairs? Can we count on it?"
Commander Eagle gestured at April.
A: "I would prefer to keep it back for a while, but if such need will appear in the near future, it’ll be able to bear at least one fight. Otherwise, I’m afraid that without the proper repair, the chances to lose it are escalating.
The captain who put the question nodded, satisfied with the answer.
The Commander then got on his feet again.
CE: "If there aren't anymore questions, then we need to decide what to do next. In my opinion - we need to spread out in the neighboring sectors. We have to find out where the Outriders will assemble again and we have to avert them from securing their positions. As for Remrod, it should be sent to the nearest planet so that proper repair are taken care of."
"Well, reasonable enough. There is no need to keep such a big fleet at one point." someone pointed out.
Commander Eagle waited for other comments or remarks before continuing on:
"As for the Star Sheriffs, they will get three day leave on Lavana and three more days on the Arrow. I believe no one will doubt that they have deserved it?"
Afterwards, the discussion proceeded on to the ship’s dislocation of other the sectors. At the end of the session, each captain knew his new patrolling space, and within two hours, all space ships started to drift away while the Flagship directed its course to Lavana on slow speed.
Commander Eagle kept his word - he was returning to his native land. It was so good to be back after all those years on the planet where your ancestor lived, where you had spent your childhood, where you know any stone. Commander Eagle sunk into pleasing memories.
Oh, God! He wanted to return! He was anguishing all these years without Clio! Only God knew how inhuman he would be if he did not need to leave at all as it was and not return ever!
* * *
The flagship was drawn in to the planet’s atmosphere by the landing beam and was put on a landing pad, sparkling from the morning dew.
The Star Sheriffs, Stellar and Commander Eagle came down by the deck ladder. As they walked away from the ship, the flagship was lifted up and then disappeared in the skies. Several minutes later, a flying platform with the queen and her retinue approached them.
* * *
Probably, Lavana never had such a luxurious feast. All three days, which the king spent on the planet, were declared national holidays. After all, it had been 17 years that the royal family was reunited again, and this lucky day finally came! The whole planet was celebrating the joyous occasion - they all loved their king. People were enjoying the party. One could see everywhere crowds of smiling natty dressed royal subjects while in the palace, music was played from dusk till dawn. People were dancing and guests from the most remote parts of the planet kept on coming.
* * *
April and Stellar spent their first day meeting the guests, listening to their congratulation speeches on the long-awaited family reunion. At evening, when the flow of arrivers reduced a little, they went to rest a little before the night ball.
The princess’s rooms were near each other, as it was long time ago. They could sleep for a while after the hard day, but instead they decided to spend their free time talking. They were telling each other all those small things to help them understand each other better.
Little by little, they moved from subject to another until to the one discussion that could only be discussed among the closest friends - the boy dissection.
After a short opinion exchange, April asked Stellar:
A: "Stellar, who do you like most out of all of them? Saber, Fireball or Colt?"
S: "Colt!" lightly answered Stellar.
April was hardly able to keep the laughter inside.
"He’s certainly a nice guy, but... But you need to be carefully with him."
S: "Why?" a moment later asked Stellar.
A: "Well, how should I say it?.." She felt difficulty in finding the right words to explain, "I’ll better show you. Tonight, in the palace, there will be a lot of guests, and of course there will be girls. For the purity of the experiment it is necessary for you to refuse Colt every time when he’ll come to invite you for a dance. And he’ll do it, don’t worry. So, as soon as he’ll understand, that he won’t get anything from you, he’ll leave to invite other girls. Then, you can see what’s wrong with him!"
S: "I’ll see! This should be interesting!"
The girls giggled and continued on talking.
* * *
Finally the night came. The palace shone with lights. There were so many guests that there wasn’t enough space in the palace and many had to stay in brightly lit garden. Servants organized bars and dancing squares, where the dancers appeared right away.
Then, the music became louder and more solemn - the royal family came to the grand staircase to welcome their guests.
People were exulting, they were happy to see their ruler again.
The King and the Queen left to the circle of friends, but April and Stellar dressed in the way-up gowns what made them look alike more then ever stayed with the guests in the garden.
A number of young men were waiting their turn to dance with the princesses. Of course, both girls were enjoying the night, forgeting about everything. Life was so beautiful and the force field surrounding the planet inspired unflinching safety confidence. What else was there in need for life? Only to waltz like this for an eternity!
Saber, Colt and Fireball didn’t even try to come close to the recent companions, knowing for sure that this attempt was beforehand doomed to failure. Colt easily collected several girls, taking them to entertain with the latest jokes, which he knew a great amount. Saber Rider and Fireball joined this merry company that made Colt a little irritated.
At that time April remembered her promise to show Stellar Colt’s true nature. She found her sister amongst the dancing pairs and took her away saying that it was time to take a small break. April put a finger to her lips, giving a sign to be quiet.
They easily found the group where Colt now was saying the tales of his heroic deeds.
The girls come closer, hiding, so Colt couldn’t see them. April then flashed a sign to Fireball to take Saber Rider and disappear. Soon it was done and they joined the princesses.
SR: "What did you want?" - he whispered.
A: "From you - nothing. Stellar wants to see how Colt acts when he is surrounded by girls."quietly answered April.
The guys nodded, proving that it was worth seeing it, and so the show began: noticing that he was now left alone with the girls, Colt began cramming more and more. It was so hard to hold the laughter. April, Stellar, Saber Rider and Fireball were burbling behind his back, but Colt led away with his fairy tales without noticing anything.
One of the girls kissed Colt. If one only could see him at that moment! His face expressed unlimited joy, and precisely at that happiest moment, he heard the chuckle and movement sounds behind him.
He sharply turned around and saw the scene: April was muzzling, cutting loose from Fireball while at the same time she herself could hardly standing on her feet from all the laughter. Stellar did not to fell down since she was holding onto Saber Rider while both of them were cracking up.
C: "What are you doing over there?" Colt was amazed to find his friend here.
In return, he got only a chorus of loud laughter. Taking his breath, Saber finally answered to his friend: "We were watching you! You would beat every one in the comedy. If you only could see yourself from a side!"
Colt thought for a moment whether he should huff or not, but at the end, he joined the laughter after all.
"Okay, guys, carry on in the same spirit! I’m taking April away now." Stellar grasped April’s hand and tailed her to the palace where the music was still playing.
* * *
The whole following day, the royal family, Star Sheriffs and the rest were sleeping after a roaring night. The departure was scheduled on the evening.
Guests, who were able to get up from bed, came to say good-bye to their King. Colt, Saber Rider and Fireball were already onboard of the flagman, which arrived right on schedule. Except for the yesterday's girlfriends, the guys didn’t have anyone else to say farewell to. Nonetheless, it was still hard to find them in the crowd.
Meanwhile in the palace, the King, Queen and both princesses were in the Throne room of their ancestors. Queen Clio, as any mother didn’t want to let go of her daughters while at the same time, she didn’t dare herseld to leave Lavana. Commander Eagle - King of Lavana - felt sorry that he had to go from his home and wife so soon. It was impossible to make Clio change her mind - he learned it far back at their first years of marriage, and he himself didn’t want to abandon his plans either. They had talked over a lot of possibilities, including about the ones when the entire royal family would go to Earth themselves; that Clio could stay with both princesses; and when parents would take their turns in taking care of the other child… All was sorted but non of their plans was good enough. So it was agreed - they would what was best for them. Queen Clio understood that she would stay alone for some time.
"Yes, you are old enough and can decide your destiny for yourselves." said Clio with some bitterness in her voice. "I believe you have the same turbulent nature as I had in my youth. I understand you. But promise me that you’ll find time to visit your mother."
Both girls thankfully embraced their mother. At this point their dispute ended.
Clio stayed in the palace - she was afraid that will start crying in the face of her people. From the palace tower, she saw how the ship lifted and disappeared in the clouds.
Twins and Jesse Blue. Part 1.