Twins on Lavana.
Patr 1.
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© Copyright 1999 Stellar Spark Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs FanFic page by Stellar Spark Email: Stellar Spark (
Twins on Lavana. Part 1. |
General White Hawk came in to the commander Eagle's office. "Good day sir."
"Please, come in. Sit down."
White Hawk came up to the commander’s table, but didn’t sit. "We’ve received a massage from 277th sector. It seems that the outriders built a base there. Bear rumours saying that this base is stronger and better hidden than any previous." Have sad the general.
"Yes, but 277 do not need our protection." Commander didn’t sad anything more ignoring White Hawk’s strange glances.
"How to say. If some of the planets haven’t signed a treaty with us it doesn’t mean that there is no people and they do not need our protection. And again, if outriders will manage to settle there, that sector and adjoining to it will go to them."
"And what do you suggest?" Commander surely knew well enough what White Hawk wants from him. And exactly this he didn’t wont to do. A slight filling of disturbance appeared.
"To destroy the base…"
"And no one will do it better than Star Sheriffs." Continued for him commander Eagle. "But it is the first real vacation their having for the last 15 months. And Remrod is steal in maintenance."
"Even so Remrod is the fastes and maneuverable ship in whole flit! And its crew is the most trusted one." Adhered the general.
Farther involuntariness could mean distrust. But Commander Eagle decides to use his last ace. "I have an information that in 277th exist an another civilization, like ours but a higher one."
"What?" White Hawk was really surprised, "Where did you get this information?"
"One Fighter after an accident drifted there. They repaired not only the ship but also the pilot who was at the last range of extenuation. They sent him back, but sad that they do not need any other contacts with us. They allow him to live only after they was convinced that their location will stay in secret. And now imagine, what they will think if we’ll send one of our ships? Perhaps it will be destroyed. And I’m sure that outriders afraid of them too."
"But we steal have our people in there!" the news was amazing, but he knew that something have to be don.
"All right! It settled! The Star Sheriffs will go there as soon as they’ll return from the leave." Commander Eagle stood up, meaning the end of discussion.
"Commander, we need immediate actions." pushed the general.
‘Of course we need, but its April’s 18th birthday soon. It would be wonderful to celebrate it together.’
"Commander?" called White Hawk.
"Alright, inform the Star Sheriffs."
White Hawk bowed and went out. Eagle sat down in prostration.
* * *
At the beginning of the next day April Eagle, Saber Rider, Fireball and Colt stood infront of the commander Eagle. Engineers worked all night to finish repairing Remrod.
"Bad news!" started the commander Eagle, "Outriders based in 277 sector. We are going to send most of our space ships there. You’ll go first. You will have almost one week for intelligence. When other ships will cache you on, we’ll start the operation of base elimination. Details you'll get on planet Arrow..."
"From general Wancoff?"
"Yes April. Go when Remrod will be finished. That’s all."
Briefing was other. They started to get out.
"April, stay," sad commander. Then they were along, he asked, "Then are you planing to be through with Remrod?"
"I hope in one hover. I’ve just have to check…"
"Alright," graveled Eagle, "I wonted… " he smiled, "I know, it's a little bet early, but Happy Birthday, April!"
"O! Daddy!" her face brightened and she hugged her father, "You didn't forget!" she kissed him on the cheek.
"Here, I’ve got something for you!" he took from his desk a small box.
"What's this?" April took it, "It's a necklace!" she shout delightedly opening the box.
"It’s an ancient family relic. Your mother wonted you to have it when you’ll be 18."
"It's beautiful!" April gently touched fretwork of stone flowers.
"You better go now. They’re no time to loose."
"Thanks, Daddy!" she kissed him ones more and was ready to leave.
"April" he stopped her, "I almost forgot to tell you, We believe that at 277 is an older civilization. One of our lost fighters drifted there. So be careful, they do not wont to deal with us."
"Alright, daddy. Bay!" she walk out taking away the necklace.
‘She is grown up. In her 18 she is already an indispensable in Cavalry Command. I just hope she will not find THEM, or I’ll nether see her again.’ of such a thoughts commanders eyes become wet.
Other Star Sheriffs was waiting for April in the corridor. Before they were able to say some thing, April slide through them, dropping one phrase. "Meet you at Remrod in one hour."
To say the truth, the leftover work could take more than 2 hours, but made a promise, she could not change anything. So she just have to finish with Remrod as fast as she can. She run to her apartment, picked up her things. And of course she didn’t forgot the necklace – April decide to use the first chance to boast over the boys.
At the same time the work was boiling in the hangar. The best Earth’s specialists carefully adjusted the Remrod. April as always flashed through security to the ship with out any passes. There she threw her things and went to find Tom Jeffry – her deck assistant since the time of the Remrod’s construction.
But he found April him self.
"Miss April! Miss April!!" shouting he run over her almost beating poor Miss April down, "Our workers ruptured a while tyre! Only three spares left."
"Haven’t we sent an order to the factory?" April immediately become captain.
"A week ago."
"What! And they haven’t delivered them!"
"Call them and say that if in one hour the tires will not be here, they are history! Let them deliver it by plane!"
"Miss April, is it some thing urgent?"
"Yes Tom, we are taking off in one hour."
"One hour! But we’ll not be able to…"
"We’ll do the most important things now and the rest I’ll finish on the way."
"With what will we start?"
"So" April recalled what is the most important on the ship, "from the engines.
"Jo, checked them yesterday."
"Good," mutter the girl checking in the bobbed up notepad, "Integrality of the Remrad’s casing and functioning of its mechanisms."
"We are finishing it now!"
"I’m interesting in the landing mechanisms, check them more careful."
"Clark," called Tom for one of the engineers, "I’m interesting in the landing mechanisms!" he shout when he turned.
"Right!" replayed Clark.
"Life support system. In general." April continue to itemize.
Tom looked at her in surprise. Before she always checked it her self.
"Do it your self, Tom. I’ll have full hands with the controls up to the launch," silenced for a moment, "And yes… two-week life supply, full tank and fill up our powder magazine to the ceiling!"
"Yes, mam!" soldierlike saluted Tom and even straighten his always slouching back.
"See! And you sad we’ll not be in time!" his chief clapped over his back and went to the ship.
"Oh, devil!" slip out from her when her eye laid on Steed, Nova, Bronco Buster and Red Fury Turbo, "They are not ready at all." April had to go out again. She caught one of the guards, and asked him to find George Mind.
He showed up in 10 minutes.
"George, please, help! Check them and fuel up!" April pointed at the vehicles and run away to continue with Fireball's settle unit.
George groaned and started to work.
At the fixed time Remrod shined. Everything was done to the letter. Even 5 spares were delivered in 10 minutes before dead-line. But April her self haven’t finished with two settle units. Since it was just a check up, no one notice it.
* * *
Commander Eagle, General White Hawk and other officials came to escort Star Sheriffs to the luanch pade. Then April hugged her father good bay, he puts something in her hand. She opened her palm.
"It’s your ring!" she was amazed.
"It will save you in trouble."
"As an amulet?" smiling doughtier looked at father. He nodded. April tried the ring on the ring finger but it slipped off, so she put it on the middle finger and knuckle. "Thanks, I will not tack it off."
Star Sheriffs run to the ship, and few moments later Remrod took off.
* * *
"Saber, how long is to Arrow?" Fireball’s voice sounded. After launch he had nothing to do.
"7 or 8 hours" answered Saber Rider as always deep in his thoughts and in the same time not loosing the reality.
April used the chance while everybody was busy and checked her settle unit. Now she becomes alert. If Fireball will get up, he might see what she was doing. A rustle appeared. And indeed Fireball was rising up. And at the same time the cowboy felt lonesome.
"April, do we have something to drink back there?" asked Colt.
"Go there and look." April feverishly was searching for a way out. She could not allow anyone to find out that in the time when everything on the ship supposed to be perfect her controls were halve disconnected. And she found a solution! A newspaper, which she took on the base to study it later. It could do. She opened colorful pages with a snappy ‘Around Sun’ sign. Suprisenly, but there was an article about Cavalry Command and the Star Sheriffs. So she didn’t need to play an interest while reading. And in the same time she haven’t forgot to cover all necessary places with the paper.
Boys went to back notice nothing. April started to put everything together as fast as she only could. Finished April sighed of relief, but more to come – she was supposed to test one more settle unit.
Colt had a hobbit to play with a joystick aiming to everything. April decide to block it, but how to do it with out Saber to know it? A chance helped. Colt forgot his hat at the seat.
She ran to his place, took the hat and fingered bit – Joystick is not working. Then she ran to the cafeteria, non-stopping puts Colt’s hat on him and went on to the residential aria.
"Girls! You'll never know what they'll do next. That's why I like them!" Colt shared with Fireball with his beloved thought.
Had his tee, Colt returned to his seat to play with controls. Joystick haven’t obey, he called April. Girl was waiting for that. Using his invitation April left Colt with nothing to do for a halve of hover.
"What could happen here? Cable disconnected?" thrummed April, playing surprise. Finally, get through with check out which she called a "Joystick fixing", April wonted to go, but pitched upon Saber Rider.
"Next time do everything in appropriate time." he sad quietly so no one else will hear them. But April pitchy resent – how dare he notice it when she was so carefully camouflaging it! No, he just do not know how to deal with lades.
Twins on Lavana. Part 1.