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That's all the shirts so far on my page. Interested in one of my shirts? They cost $10 each (at least they do now). But, if you don't feel like giving me money (which is fine), you can give me something else instead. Something like a mixtape, mixed cd, a drawing you made, anything really. Just something creative and something from your world, something I haven't been exposed to. The $10 thing is only if you can't think of something to give. And DON'T feel like you're cheating me out! I think EVERYONE should have these shirts! Or more importantly be aware of the things they represent. I'll pay for postage. All you have to tell me is which shirt you want, and what size you wear. I'll do the initial washing which is somewhat complicated. After that, you wash them like any other shirt. To contact me, my email is dasein17@hotmail and here is my last shirt so far.