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United Nation Series

United Nations Stamps

T he United Nations Charter, signed on 26 June 1945, came into force on 24 October 1945. On 13 April 1944, the United Nations General Assembly decided to establish a Preparatory Committee in New York and a UN50 Secretariat to work on the commemoration of the United Nations' 50th Anniversary throughout the world for the whole year of 1995. The year long program of events will culminate with a special commemorative meeting of the General Assembly, attended by world leaders, on 24th October 1995. It envisaged that at that meeting the Assembly will adopt a Declaration reaffirming the principles of the UN Charter and setting guidelines for the future work of the Organization.
When the Charter of the United Nations came into force on 24th October 1945, it heralded the birth of the United Nations as a universal international organization created to maintain world peace and security and to work for social progress. It successes in economic and social development, decolonization, human rights, disarmament and peace-keeping are highlights of the second half of this century. A forum for all nations, the UN represents the highest aspirations of the world's peoples for a world of free of war, poverty, repression and suffering.
To carry out its mandate, the UN must have basic resources. It not only requires the political and financial backing of Member of States, it also needs the support and understanding of its larger constituencies - the general public, non-governmental organizations and business community, in particular. The Fiftieth Anniversary commemoration aims to deepen this understanding and commitment and inspire a new generation of UN supporters. The theme has been chosen for the UN 50th Anniversary is "We the People of United Nations.....United Better World", as endorsed by the Preparatory Committee and adopted by the General Assembly.The Anniversary provides the opportunity for the UN to reach out to broad constituencies, new and old, across national, political and social boundaries, bridging gaps of understanding and information regarding its work. The Anniversary offers enormous opportunities for all parties concerned :-