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What's Next???

This is only my first homepage. So if you I gonna continue building hps? The answer is YES!!! I have very high expectations and of course I'm not satisfied with this homepage of mine. I'm treating this like a 'stepping stone' and through this experience, I intend to learn from it and when I have the time later on, I hope to take up some courses to improve my skills. I'm only using the Basic Editor to do this hp and I really want to learn to use the Advanced one. Homepages I intend to build? Hopefully, one on the Peranakans after I've finished my big PBL project with my group. That way, I can share with more people about the information that my friends and I have gathered. But that will take quite sometime cos' I won't finish the PBL until August. I also hope to do a website on my fave actor...that is, Leslie Cheung later on too, when I've got the time. Last but not least, I intend to build an all new and advanced and improved and informative and nice and err......anyway, I intend to build another personal hp next time. I know you guys must be thinking that I'm really ambitious huh? Well, it's just that I've kinda got hooked onto building's quite a fun and interesting experience. Experimenting how to fit pics into my pages...I took 2 whole days to get it right...... but the sense of satisfaction is definitely immense when u've got it right all by yourself. Ok, better stop rattling on for now.

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