12/31/01 - It's time for those New Year's resolutions again.. seems like I just made some. Last year I was in Pasadena for New Years... way too many people. I hope next year is better than the last one... and I hope whatever transpires this year is for the best. Happy New Year to all of you.. *S*
12/30/01 - Fight Crime: Shoot Back!
12/29/01 - There is nothing more miserable in the world than to arrive in paradise and look like your passport photo. ~ Erma Bombeck
12/28/01 - Half our mistakes in life arise from feeling where we ought to think, and thinking where we ought to feel. - John Churton Collins
12/27/01 - Van Roy's Law: An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys.
12/26/01 - Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. ~ The Easter Bunny
12/25/01 - IT'S OVER!!!!!
12/24/01 - It's Christmas Eve... it still seems strange to me to be in a place where there is no snow for Christmas. I'm just stating facts.. not complaining! I can look out my window and see snow on the mountains all around here, so I know that it does exist. I hope you all have the best Christmas ever.. especially Leslie.. she is the farthest away.. and yes.. I'm trying to make up for not sending her a Christmas card. *L* Another 30 hours and this will all be over with and we can get back to.. what we think is normal.. which is far from normal. I miss you all... Merry Christmas...
12/23/01 - Just a few tips on throwing drinks at someone:
1. Don't be drinking something sticky when the urge hits you... I suggest if you drink coconut rum and pineapple juice to switch to something like scotch and water. This may seem like a drastic change in your life, but you will always be prepared.
2. Make sure the person is in a stationary position..ie.. sitting down, laying down.. hog tied and screwed to the floor.. just so they are unable to move and dodge the contents of the glass you are throwing.
3. Don't do it in an area that has a lot of windows and curtains.. just in case you miss.
4. It's a real drag to have to clean up the mess after you have thrown it, so be ready to walk out the door when the previous occurs.
5. You might want to hone up on your skills by practicing with a glass of water in an area that won't require cleaning up afterward.12/21/01 - Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~ Elizabeth Stone
12/20/01 - Life's too short to be pissed off all the time! Take a deep breath and go for it!
12/17/01 - BEER: It's not just for breakfast anymore.
12/16/01 - Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
12/15/01 - How many roads must a man travel down before he admits he is lost?
12/14/01 - Experience is a good teacher, but she sends in terrific bills. ~ Minna Antrim
12/13/01 - Lynne and I don't get many visitors to the Cave. ~ Dick Chaney
12/13/01 - All sins are attempts to fill voids. ~ Simone Weil
12/12/01 - Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies. ~ Frank Church
12/11/01 - Memories buried alive never die.
12/06/01 - There were many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts being broken by love, but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream..whatever that dream might be. - Pearl S. Buck
12/05/01 - WANTED: Meaningful overnight relationship.
12/04/01 - Where Are We Going And Why Am I In This Handbasket?
12/02/01 - Tidiness is one of those virtues that never will be assimilated with pleasure. ~ Dame Freya Stark
12/01/01 - The purpose of life is to fight maturity. ~ Dick Werthimer
11/30/01 - Something ate a couple more months of my thoughts.. whatever it is must know I'm having a bad year! Only 31 days left... what else can go wrong? Don't answer that....
11/29/01 - A good listener is usually thinking about something else. ~ Kin Hubbard
11/28/01 - Don't argue with idiots... they'll bring you down to their level, then beat you with experience. ~ Steve
11/27/01 - I might have been born in the morning.. but it wasn't this morning.
11/25/01 - Experience is something you get just after you need it.
11/24/01 - Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment. ~ Barry LePatner
11/23/01 - Take warning in time, and heed grandmother's advice, for a bad habit is more easily prevented than cured. ~ Miss E. Neil
11/22/01 - "If we are strong, our strength will speak for itself. If we are weak, words will be no help." - From the address President Kennedy never got to deliver in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963.
Hopefully this is the last thought you will read from me for a couple of weeks. If it's not, you won't want to be reading my thoughts anyway!11/21/01 - I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there. ~ Herb Caen
11/20/01 - If Columbus had an advisory committee he would probably still be at the dock. ~ Justice Arthur Goldberg
11/19/01 - All work and no play can make you a basket case. ~ The Easter Bunny
11/18/01 - If a man spoke in the forest and there wasn't a woman there to hear him, would he still be wrong?
11/17/01 - Everything... the good and bad, pleasure and pain, approval and disapproval, achievements and mistakes, fame and shame... all come and go. Everything has a beginning and an ending and that's the way it's supposed to be. ~ Richard Carlson
My Horoscope:
The Sun is in Scorpio and the Moon is in Sagittarius. You should be finding out all sorts of interesting things. Some may come as a surprise. You may realize you've missed opportunities or made mistakes. Don't look back. Just learn and push on. (Pretty amazing eh?)11/16/01 - Zorba the Greek was said to have described himself as "the whole catastrophe." The truth is, we're all the whole catastrophe, only we wish we weren't. We deny the parts of ourselves that we deem unacceptable rather than accepting the fact that we're all less than perfect. ~ Richard Carlson
11/16/01 - Remember a kick in the butt is a step forward. ~ R.S.
11/15/01 - Yesterday is gone, today is what we're living for, tomorrow will take care of itself. ~ R.S.
11/14/01 - A friend is someone who is there when you need them and when you don't. Distance makes no difference. When darkness comes we are looking at the same stars. Never forget that. ~ R.S.
11/13/01 - A lie is an abomination unto the Lord and a very present help in time of trouble. ~ Adlai Stevenson
11/12/01 - I'm leaving in the morning for Mexico.... driving.. I'm thinking my flying days are over for a while. I'm taking my computer, hopefully I'll find a server right away.. if not.. I'll call. If I don't come back... come see me!! *S* Use the Alex_141 address to email me.. I'm not sure Sprint will reach into Mexico.
11/12 1/2/01 - Plans have changed.. *L* what's new eh?
11/11/01 - Sometime one thinks they have come to the end of the road, but there is happiness for everyone... they just haven't looked in the right place. There is not a heart that has been broken that cannot be repaired. It just takes one second in time to find the someone who will make your world right again. The longest journey starts with just one step.. and a visit to the ATM.
11/10/01 - Keep your cards close to the vest. You shouldn't let anybody know what you're doing - or thinking about doing. This is not natural for a chatty person like you, but it's possible. *LOL* My horoscope for today...
11/09/01 - The grass is always greener in someone else's basket. ~ The Easter Bunny
11/08/01 - Don't let people get you down. Shit happens - You have to make your own destiny. ~ Sharon
11/05/01 - The End... 4 years... 2 months... 15 days
11/04/01 -
11/03/01 - Xerox Subsidy: Euphemism for swiping free photocopies from one's workplace.
11/02/01 - God give me strength to face a fact though it slay me. ~ Thomas Huxley
11/01/01 - The FBI said in its alert that authorities had not yet corroborated the information but decided to issue a warning. The warning was sent Wednesday to law enforcement agencies in California, Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Montana and Idaho. ~ Associated Press ~ Leon Keith
10/31/01 - Blame Storming: Sitting around in a group, discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed, and who was responsible.
10/30/01 - Irritainment: Entertainment and media spectacles that are annoying but you find yourself unable to stop watching them. The O.J. trials were a prime example.
10/29/01 - Nowadays most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes. - Oscar Wilde
10/28/01 - If I wanted you to know what I was thinking about, I'd be talking to you. - Al Bundy
10/27/01 - Swiped Out: An ATM or credit card that has been rendered useless because the magnetic strip is worn away from excessive use.
10/26/01 - Seagull Manager: A manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, then leaves.. more than likely taking your french fries with him.
10/25/01 - Well it's not just your problem is it, it's everyones........you see how countries like France and Germany suddenly become involved if they get terrorist attacks. ~ Slurp
10/24/01 - Adminisphere: The rarefied organizational layers beginning just above the rank and file. Decisions that fall from the adminisphere are often profoundly inappropriate or irrelevant to the problems they were designed to solve.
10/23/01 - 404: Someone who's clueless. From the World Wide Web error message "404 Not Found" meaning the requested document cannot be found. I've been a 404 for much too long.. it's time for a change! *S*
10/22/01 - Life is too short not to have cookies. ~ Karen
10/21/01 - Stress Puppy: A person who seems to thrive on being stressed out and whiny. (Tess)
10/20/01 - We're mad. We were assaulted. But our spirit wasn't assaulted. And our fighting spirit wasn't assaulted. You don't attack America like this and get away with it. ~ Colin Powell
10/18/01 - The ultimate determinant in the struggle that's now going on in the world will not be bombs and rockets, but a test of wills and ideas, a trial of spiritual resolve, the values we hold, the beliefs we cherish, and the ideals to which we are dedicated. You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not pay." There is a point beyond which they must not advance. This is the meaning of the phrase 'peace through strength.' ~ Ronald Reagan
10/17/01 - Prairie Dogging: When someone yells or drops something loudly in a cube farm, and people's heads pop up over the walls to see what's going on.
10/16/01 - Ohnosecond: That miniscule fraction of time in which you realize that you have made a BIG mistake.
10/15/01 - Percussive Maintenance: The fine art of whacking the heck out of an electronic device to get it to work again.
10/14/01 - NyQuil - The stuffy, Sneezy, why-the-hell-is-the-room spinning-medicine.
10/13/01 - Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done. ~ Noah
10/11/01 - Walk softly and carry a big carrot. ~ The Easter Bunny
10/10/01 - There is nothing wrong with making mistakes. Just don't respond with encores. ~ Unknown
10/08/01 - Some of the best lessons we learn are learned by past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom of the future. ~ Dale Turner
09/24/01 - Courage is grace under pressure. ~ Ernest Hemingway
I'm out and about for the next two weeks.. Take care.. :o)09/23/01 - We must all hang together, or, assuredly, we shall all hang separately. ~ Benjamin Franklin at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
09/22/01 -
09/21/01 - Whether we bring our enemies to justice, or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done. ~ President George W. Bush
09/20/01 - These demands are not open to negotiation or discussion. The Taliban must act and act immediately. They will hand over the terrorists, or they will share in their fate. ~ President George W. Bush