Cornelius Van Keuren's Photo Album
A photo Album once belonging to Cornelius Van Keuren(1831-1883) was discovered during the remodling of a historic home in Columbia, South Carolina. The following pages contain some of the photos from this album, most of which were created at or near Kingston, New York, between 1850 and 1880.
Front Cover of Cornelius' Album
The album is leather bound, about 2 1/2 inches thick, and has two brass latches at the opening.
Cornelius Van Keuren
Cornelius, owner of the album, pictured in his twenties.
Israel Van Keuren
Cornelius' father, Israel Van Keuren (1808-1878). Photo of his mother, Ann Eliza Decker, was missing.
More Photos From Cornelius' Album
Thompsons and Susie Dubois
Some of the UNKNOWNS
Van Keurens