What I watch:
The Simpsons
Sex in the City
Malcolm in the Middle
Iron Chef
Movies I love:
Hannibal. There is something amazing about Dr Lecter.
Quills. Rarrr!
Fight Club! If you haven't seen this yet... You suck.
Run Lola Run. If you can endure subtitles and enjoy quirky films, you'll love this.
Bob Roberts. Tim Robbins. Need I say more?
Crime and Punnishment
Hannibal (it was even more romantic than the movie!)
Brave New World
Survey Time
What is your full name? Jessica Catherine Lewis
What color pants are you wearing? I'm wearing a skirt. Long, black, yummy.
What song are you listening to? Maggie's Farm (the version by Rage Against the Machine).
What was the last thing you said? "Love you!"
What was the last thing you ate? Eggs, bacon, and some cinnimon hearts
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? A nice hotel room!
Have you ever smoked? No. Nor will I ever.
What did you do last night? Played Ultima 9 with my boyfriend and fell asleep on the floor.
How are you today? Peachy.
How do you eat your Oreo's? icing first.
Eye Color? Ice Blue
What school do you go to? Queen's University!
Have you won any special awards: Yes. People that hand out awards seem to think that I am godlike.
*What do you want to do when you grow up? Work in Religious Education (at a Unitarian Universalist Fellowship). Have a family with the person that I love.
*What are your future goals? I want to buy some chocolate. And go to England again.
*What is your favorite type of music? Folkie stuff
*Fave Food? Lobster. Crab. Duck. Chocolate. High fat stuff. Yummy!
*Fave day of the year? June 3rd.
*Do you like to Dance? Yuppers. You will not catch me in a dance club though.
*Are you to shy to ask someone out? Hahahaha. I have always done the asking. I've never accepted a request from someone that has asked me.
*Favorite Name Brand? No. Nonononono. I really don't care!
*Do you sleep w/ any stuffed animals? Well, Will's an animal in the sack...
*What is the stupidest thing you've ever done? Doubted myself.
*Do you like happy or sad movies? Well... I think that the ending of Hannibal was romantic and happy. So...
*On the phone or in person? In person.
*Night or Day? Either. It's what you do with the time that is important!
*Summer or Winter? Fall.
*Lust or Love? Lust is part of love. So if you have love... Well, goooood love, you've got a healthy dose of lust too.
*What are you in love with? Joy in all its forms.
*What is the best gift you've ever received? Love. Faith. Trust. Friendship. A dvd player. Oh. Wait. I don't have a dvd player. Anyone want to help me out with that?
When was the last time you:
Made a milk mustache and showed someone: 2 days ago
Said "I love you" and not meant it: a looong time ago.
Have you...
Been to Florida?: I lived in the damn place for 4 years
California?: Nope
Hawaii?: Yeah. When I was little. I have vivid memories of the black sand beaches.
Mexico?: Nope.
Danced naked?: Hellsyeah. Dancing naked in the rain is one of the best ways to connect to nature.
Dreamed something really crazy and then it happens the next day?: Yes. Quite often. I have learned to listen when I get [i]that[/i] feeling...
Stalked someone? Nope, but I've come close.
Wished you were the opposite sex? Not forever, but maybe for a few days...
Had an imaginary friend: His name was Milton. He was a giant mosquito that I met in Fiji.
Red or Blue? Red. I like passionate colours.
Backstreet Boys or *N Sync: Do I even have to anwser this? Fuck. Fucking fuck Crap fuck.
Spring or fall? always fall. muah!