What WAS I Thinking?
"I would rather share a toothbrush with a Democrat"
"What does it profit them if they gain the whole world but lose or forfeit themselves?"
I have been told there are many spelling errors on my page. Am I supposed to care? You are all able to handle this, I would hope...
I want to find some Chirstmas lights for my room, but it has been too cold to walk anywhere the past few days. If I had any sense, I would have gone when it was hot out (well, it was "hot" for Canada in the middle of December). I was worried for a while that the high temperatures were the first real signs of Global Warming and that we were all going to die etc, etc, etc. However, it is now so freaking bloody cold outside that I now believe we are not doing enough to heat up the atmosphere. Stupid winter. Arrrgh.
WTF?! Okay, I found this at some radom news site online:
Norwalk, Connecticut - The Caldor department store chain apologized this week after 11 million copies of an advertising circular showed two smiling boys playing Scrabble around a board with the word "RAPE" spelled out. Caldor said it does not know who did it or how it got past the proofreaders.
Okay, WHAT? Can you even believe that? Alright, so our society is messed up and I have heard of stranger things, but... I was going to launch into a whole rant about this, but I think it speakers for itself. Whatever asshole actually decided to do this should be kicked in the head. I can see this being a dumb joke that some stressed out photographer (or artist, since it doesn't say if it was a photo or a picture, not that it really matters) might make, thinking that it would be caught by someone before it got to press... but... And then, what the heck was the editor doing when this passed over his desk? Looking up porn online, most likely. Just like half of todays white coller workers (the other half are reading e/n sites or out golfing, no doubt). I don't understand how these people get all pissed off at people earning minimum wages. You know the type... "I've never really worked a day in my life, but those damn poor people... they just aren't thankful for what they have. They don't contribute to socie... Uuurgh![sound of said person choaking on own hypocracy]"
Please. These jerks are so busy wasting their own time, sticking it to The Man by fiddling away time on their computers (all the while not knowing that they are the man) that they make dumb mistakes like this slip by.
Hmmm... looks like this became a rant after all. A messed up, confusing, and jumpy one, but still... Hmmm...
So... Get this. I was walking to my 3 hour night class. It was dark and the air was cold enough to freeze as I took it in. Drifting out of the silence of night were musical notes. I looked around quickly, trying to uncover the source of the sound... my eyes drifted to a manhole. A sealed manhole. The sound was coming from underground. I focused harder to determine what was being played when it finally hit me... "One More Time"
Britney Spears and her insipid music. Coming from beneath the Earth.
Make what imaginative observations/assumptions from this that you will. I have a thought on this. Sure, one could try and find a "logical" reason, but I prefer to say what must be true, logic be damned!
She did not pay for that breast increase. That is why no doctors have come forth to admit to it in a tell-all book. Instead, Ms. Spears made a deal with Satan:
He could pay her music 24 hours a day in Hell to torture the wicked, and she would get bigger boobs to distract the stupid
from her lack of musical talent. You know that I am right. Come on.
I have made a QUOTES PAGE. It's that exciting? I knew you would think so. Check it out.
I am a guestbook slut. I sign guestbooks in the vain hope that other people will stumble across my site... I suppose that I need to justify the time I spend on this page... and if I am the only person that comes here, then there really is no point.
The X-Files season premiere is on tonight. It has been far too long... I am still debating where I will be at 9pm this evening... my mother's house or at the dorm. My fear is that I will be the only that will want to watch it and then I will be screwed. Argh. But... ARGH. I think I will go reserve the room right now... put a sign on the door or something. This may seem obsessive, but then I haven't watched the show for at least 3 months. I have earned the right to watch it, right? RIGHT?
Well, my wonderful friend Heather is visiting me this weekend... so any essays I am supposed to work on are going to have to wait. We walked around downtown Kingston for a while last night, and then we came back to the dorm and... desided to create a M*A*S*H* PAGE. Keep in mind that we haven't seen eachother in a year...
Wll, actually it was tonnes of fun. In fact, it is remarkable... one can make anything fun if one tries (*sound of me gagging*). okay, enough with the silliness.
There is a tree outside one of my windows. Keep in mind that I have this amazing view of a lake and two huge windows (most of my dormmates have only one. HAHAHAHA. Actually, everyone has a nice view on my floor (and thus the whole building, yo.). Anyway, the tree... SOMEHOW this plastic bag and a blue hanger ended up in the branches... and not to be picky or anything, but it ruines the view! It did not bother me until my roommate commented on it... but now, I am unable to just enjoy the view! I have to look at this stupid bag blowing in the wind and a hanger! I can understand a plastic bag ending up in the tree, but a *hanger?* I mean, come on...
English class... a 3 hour lecture. Perfect time to write some poetry! Here is my latest:
i miss you,
my darling,
and my spiteful love
subbornly lives after your
you raped it, you dragged it though shards of seagreen glass,
but it still clings to the only life it knows.
I was walking around my house yesterday, trying to complete my chores, when "Margaritaville" got in my head and wouldn't leave. So I ended up dancing around the house to this music, and my brother saw me and standed to dance around with me (He's two. When he does it, it's cute. When I do it, it shows my insanity). Anyway, I wanted to continue this impromptu music fest, so I found my decrepid walkman (the thing is about 7 years old. It is falling apart in ways you can't begin to imagine!) and turned on the radio. I was flipping around trying to find some music that he would dance to, when this hevy metal station started playing this *very scary* song... "Hello me, meet the REAL me..."I flipped out. I can't deal with psycotic music. Dealing with myself is hard enough.
Shoe polish. What a wonder. am I the only person to seriously consider creating a shrine for this wonderful stuff? I mean, at work I have to wear running shoes, and they have to be extra white or I flip out (OCD, anyone?). Shoe polish has saved me! I swear. I love white shoe polish most of all, because for some reason my sneakers have this habit of going grey at a very young age. Great stuff, shoe polish.
I really hate it when some smart people have to act superior all the time. You know the type: "I'm soooo smart, I just can't deal with you right now." These people seen to think that anyone who enjoys talking about non- academic matters for more than three seconds must be simplistic. Come ON! I am, in my opnion, anything but a dolt, but I don't find the need to anounce it every time I talk to someone. People who do have major issues with their self- esteem (no, really?). Just because I don't always want to talk about the potrayal of women in Faulknarian prose doesn't mean I do not know how to! Also, just because you are better read than your object of scorn does not mean very much. You may think you sound all impressive, but you sound like a jerk. Trust me. I was one of these people.

I walk though fire
To drink flavoured water
from a rest- stop in an old army town
Friends whose names I never learned
Drip from the power- plant cracks in the
walls of mercurial plaster.
You sit beside me on the cub of death
to buzz the periodic table,
Obscure quotes from Cadide that you
Pretend are your own.
You stare at my golden calves,
for want of my faith
It tastes like candied, caramel snake blood, and when I offer
You a sip, you decline--
Too much iron.
A child dressed in military garb
Pushes His Song of Glory into our brains with
two quick shots from His paintball gun
"Yuck!" all pretention gone
A messy cream glue
covering the world
While the Boy, no more that 7 or 16 or maybe 33,
watches Earth Child grow in hollow life
Spinning further away from His genetic spring.
Marry me in Walmart
Under floresant gleem
Where everyone always knows exactly what I need
Marry me in Walmart
I'll meet you at the door
So we can walk together, hand in hand, down each aile of the store.
You can buy my ring at Walmart, with a shiny grayish pearl,
and the owner's neice will get cleaned up to be our flower girl.
Marry me in Walmart--
the customers could be bridesmaids
and come reception we'll wip up some cold pink lemonaide.
Marry me in Walmart
We'll get there right at nine,
and amongst the sales and new tiled floors you'll plegde your life to mine
Swirling stream of mercury
bubbling though the glass chambers
of her pacing mind as she
remembers Rome when she was just Sixteen
the old houses older customs ancient ruins
and of the night on the island witha bonfire
trailing into the deepening abyss of that ashen sky that
she saw when he bent to kiss her
and that cold wind that found her
the next winter long after
the fire was spent and his ashes scattered
under a beer coloured moon and three billion falling stars
that crashed to Earth when she closed her eyes and drempt
of a marble tower spiraling to eternaty peace
and him
Yes, kids, that's right... the glory that is Bengini won best actor... and Paltrow won for SIL. And, amazingly enough, the Academy chose Shakespeare In Love over Saving Private Ryan. I was quite suprised. You would think I was somehow involved in these films the way I've been carrying on. GOD BLESS MIRAMAX!!! Maybe other studios will finally start making films worth viewing... okay, wishful thinking, I know, but it could happen...
Okay, guess what-- I GOT IN!! Queens University accepted me, for whatever strange reason. I seriously had the perfect 48 hours... I went to red lobster and had all you can eat crab legs... yummmmmmmmm.... and then ROBERTO BENGINI took over the world (okay, not quite, but he still won best actor), and SIL got best pic... AND THEN I FIND OUT THAT I GOT ACCEPTED TO THE ONLY UNIVERSITY I'VE EVER WANTED TO ATTEND!! AHHHHH!
It has been a good day.
Well, I'm in a good mood. I was *deathly ill* yesterday and stayed home from school for the first time in four years (for an illness). Anyway, I slept a whole bunch, then read five books. Reading always puts me in a good mood.
In other news: I am maddly trying to find a way to pay for university. Donations will be accepted. Cash, please. Thank you.
Wow! People are signing my guest book! I'm in awe. I never used to sigh them, but now in my desperate quest to bring people to my page, I am actually signing them. everyone check out Shaq's Page, okay?
Okay, I haven't done anything to this page in far too long... but I DID get to see the movie The Matrix. It was AMAZING... everyone I've talked to loved it, but I'm the only one to think it was a rip off of, like, 50 different movies. It is still an amazing movie, but... Mkay. The whole romance thing was sorta stapled on, like "OOPS! It's a Hollywood movie, all movies from Hollywood must have some kinda romance, so GOSH DARN IT, we will throw one in even though it isn't needed."
So, What's going on with the X- Files as of late? The latest show was like a blasted fanfic, and then this next week looks SO corny... I don't care that David Duchovny wrote it. I don't. Okay??
So there.
That's all for the moment