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Vrong Planet - Internet Addiction Please take a couple of minutes to answer the questions below.
This would greatly help me to complete the Internet Addiction Survey
The information you provide on this page will only be used for my project & I will not passed it on.

1. Do you think about the Net constantly even when you are not on-line?
Yes No
2. Do you spend more time than you think you should surfing the Net?
Yes No
3. Do you have eating irregularities such as skipping meals?
Yes No
4. Do you deprive yourself of sleep (averaging five hours or less) to spent time on the Net?
Yes No
5. Do you neglect family &/or friend to spent time on the Net?
Yes No
6. Do you have problems with school or job as a result of spending too much time on the Net?
Yes No
7. Have you tried unsuccessfully, to curtail your use of the Net?
Yes No
8. Are there particular areas of the Net, or types of files, you find hard to resist?
Yes No
9. Do you find it hard to stay away from the Net for several days at a time?
Yes No
10. Have any of your friends or family members complained about the time you spend at your computer?
Yes No
Sex: Male Female
Your Full Name:
Your Country
Any other Comments, You like to add?

Internet Addiction Syndrome
There is now an official name for who have become addicted to the Internet: they are suffering from 'Internet Addiction Syndrome.'

What is Addiction?
A behavior pattern of compulsive drug use characterised by overwhelming involvement

About Behavioral Addiction
People can become addicted to activities even when there is no true physiological dependence or physiological addiction

Professional Opinions
Some mental health professionals say people aren't addicted to the Internet they are addicted to

Signs & Symptoms
Depriving oneself of sleep to spend time on the Net.

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