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Remember this? a genuine Wellingborough High School blazer badge



President:-                  Miss V Riches

Vice President :-         Miss G I Hubbert

Chairman:-                  Shirley Chapman

Treasurer:-                  Pamela Wootton

The Old Girls Association meets for a luncheon at the school in May or June every year.

For the date and details of how to order tickets please e-mail the address at the bottom.

Last year, 2007, we enjoyed the centenary celebrations at the reunion lunch.

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School  Photograph taken June 1961 scanned in four sections

click to enlarge

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School  Photograph taken June 1964 scanned in four sections

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Sixth Form Photograph May 1965

Click on photograph to enlarge

Pupils on photo:- (left to right)

Back Row:-  Pamela Freeman, Sheila Gayton, Jayne Griffiths, Kate Fairey, Angela Barker, Claire Potter, Marian Dagger, Ursula Potter, Loraine Neal, Janice Mack, Barbara Herd, Margaret Jeffs, Carol Cliffe

Third Row:-  Jackie Marshall, Lindsay Topping, Annette Maddison, Vicky Maidwell, Maureen Francis, Susan Manning, Sally Adams, Jennifer Hall, Valerie Bayes, Elizabeth Legg, Jennifer Stocker, Susan Cumberpatch, Elizabeth Downing, Hilary Jacques

Second Row:-  Margaret Legg, Christine Thacker, Hilary Wilce, Denise Reading, Elizabeth May, Shirley Phillips, Susan Wilford, Margaret Rowlatt, Diana Stenson, Judith Curtis, Madeleine Hoodless, Sara Goodbody

First Row:-  Jill Hardwick, Julia Solley, Joan Seaman, Patricia Johnson, Janet Turner, Rosemary Lawrence, Rosemary Ekins, Irene Smith, Maureen Sculthorpe, Vanessa Bishop

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iolanthe.jpg (96199 bytes)

In 1963 the school performed Gilbert and Sullivan’s ‘Iolanthe’, which took place at the Technical College Hall in Wellingborough

Some of the cast were as follows:-

Iolanthe – Rosemary Lawrence

Phyllis – Christine Thacker

Strephon – Jennifer Hall

The Lord Chancellor – Sarah Goodbody

Yeoman of the Guard (?) – Jackie Marshall

The Guardsman – Barbara Herd

These are the only ones I can remember.

Photos were taken of the fairies and the principal performers too, but unfortunately I can’t find copies of these.

Would be grateful for a scan if anyone has these or any more photos…..



The Book 

"Time Remembered" is a celebration of the history of the school, composed mainly of articles and anecdotes by past pupils and staff. The Book has been carefully compiled by Vivienne Riches with hard work and support from Marie Shelton, Anne Savage, Brenda Tallett, Ann Jones, Miss Hubbert, Sue Leach and Nora Bavin. Please e-mail the address at the bottom of the page for details of how to order.  

Price £7.50 each copy or £8.50 to include postage.

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History of the School


The School was opened on January 17th 1907 as 'The Wellingborough Grammar School for Girls' with Miss Anne Rayne Tinkler as headmistress. There were 28 girls and 7 staff in the large Victorian house formerly known as 'The Lindens' and now 'Linden Manor'.

It was the governors of Wellingborough School who were responsible for the founding of the new school, one of many 'secondary' schools established through the great Education Act of 1902.

The Lindens 1907-1912



Although the early curriculum was narrow compared with later developments this was a very liberal and advanced education for girls. Girls from ordinary backgrounds whose lives would have been limited by the domestic sphere would now have had a chance of studying foreign languages, science and more academic approaches to history, geography and mathematics. These new 'secondary schools' were distinguished from the 'senior elementary schools' , where pupils left at 14 or younger, by the ability to prepare girls for entry into training colleges or universities.Until 1944, the year of the Butler Education Act which abolished fee-paying in state secondary schools, fees were paid by all pupils except those who had won free places through their own abilities or those who intended to train as teachers. School fees ranged from £4 10s.0d per term for those 12 or over and £4 5s.0d for those under 12 and £3 15s.0d for those resident outside Wellingborough. Those from the outlying villages were boarded in Park Road and Midland Road.

The County High School in the early days

The school at the new site was designed and built by Wellingborough architects Sharman and Archer and opened by Lady Lilford on January 11th 1912, by which time there were 105 pupils. The school was taken over in January 1911 by Northamptonshire County Council.

For a more detailed history of the school please send for a copy of 'TIME REMEMBERED'

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Thanks to Vivienne Riches for the information on the history of the school from the book 'Time Remembered' and Gillian Tebbutt for the 1964 photograph

Any contributions of material for this website would be gratefully received, as I have little else to add!

Please send comments/contributions to Lindsay on

For details of the annual luncheon/AGM, to order tickets or for book enquiries please contact Kay on:-

Last amended 2nd June 2011