Extravaganza Music Festival - June 24/25, 2000

Me & Lisa
Me, Lisa & Matt
(2 guys i forget their names), Me, Rob (lying down), Chris, Merle & Denis
Caitlin & Matt
Denis from The Lewinsky's... they rocked
ok these guys camped right next to us but i know none of their names except for the dude in the the red tshirt... that's Mr. Horny "give me head" Chris Towers hehe
Jud, Matt, Rob & Shawn
The Lewinskys - Adam, Denis, Leah (not a lewinsky), Merle & the other guy i cant remember his name
The Lewinskys again
Me and my lover Mike Stewart... well not really... but someday...
Lisa, Shawn & Me
Me, Lisa & Lia
Shawn stuffin his face with marshmellows...ew
Caitlin, Me, Karen & Leah
Adam molesting me... eeshk
another picture of BUCKET TRUCK
Mr. Horny "give me head" Chris Tower
another picture of mr. horny... he's not really that horny im just pickin on him :)
Eric, Patrick & me... ow
group pic: front to back: Denis & Merle, a guy, Leah, another guy, Me, Rob, Lisa, and another nameless guy in the front... I did know these guys that weeekend, but i can't remember anymore heeh
some guy, Jud & Me
BUCKET TRUCK... cool pic of Matt
Matt, Me & Jud... matt's trying to choke me i think,, ack
Me with Jesse from Arlibido
Me with 3 dudes from the Lewinskys... another nameless guy, Denis & Merle
me & Mike Rizkalla
Me with the Much East guy, Mike Campbell
Mike Rizkalla & me again