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Just a quote I thaught you might find interesting.
From : Celestial Seasonings-Tention Tamer...tea

Quick Foot Note;

Whats Essential to Life

There are three things...essential to life---These are pure air, water and earth.
There are three immaterial things...essential to life---These are admiration, hope, and love.

  • Admiration- the power of discerning and taking delight in what is beautiful in visiable form and lovely in human character; and, necessarily, striving to produce what is beautiful in form and to become what is lovely in character.

  • Hope- the recognition, by true foresight, of better things to be reached hereafter, whether by ourselves or others; necessarily issuing in the straight-forward and undisappointable effort to advance, according to our proper power, the gaining of them.

  • Love- both of family and neighbor, faithful and satisfied.