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Angels are messengers of our creator who work with our souls, to help us raise our sights and spirits by reminding us of the truth, beauty and goodness that exists with everything.

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Welcome to Angel Cove, where angels walk and are watching over us.....the angels are here, whether we believe in them or not.......

"See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way...."
Exodus 23:20

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Phenomenal Women Of The Web

This webring is open to all sites that have an interest and appreciation/love for angels. Sites offer, angelic stories, poetry, pictures, /graphics/background sets, music, angel drawings, angelic paintings, sculpture & art. The true ~angel spirits~ of the site owners are reflected in the participating sites. Women or men are welcome to join this ring.

Angels Webring
of the
Phenomenal Women
Of The WebŪ

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