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Aaron Carter On Puppy Love - Interviewed By Mom, Jane Carter

Jane Carter: Aaron, can you share your thoughts on puppy love with your fans?

Aaron: I'd say puppy love is not really love. You like each other. You share secrets with each other. You express your emotions a little more than if you just liked somebody...but not as much as love. You really, really, really like them a lot to actually have it be love. Girlfriends and dating is not really love. Love is when you care about somebody, where you're there for somebody 24-7, like my parents. That's how it is. Sometimes when someone really likes somebody, they'll say, "I love you, I love you!" But they don't really love them; it's just puppy love.

Jane: Are crushes the same thing as puppy love?

Aaron: Crushes. Well, crushes are just a rumor. Like if you have a crush in school, it gets around and you get the heck embarrassed out of you. Me, I've never loved anyone except for my parents, my grandma, my grandpa, my sisters, my brother, and my dog. Yeah, that's puppy love...

Jane: What's the difference between puppy love and real love?

Aaron: Love is totally different from puppy love. Love is so different from any kind of feeling you've ever had. I mean, I haven't experienced it yet. Love sometimes isn't everlasting, like parents getting divorces. It's just as if kids were fighting. It's like kids fighting, they're just acting like big kids--that's all it is...That's about all I know...