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The Alliance of Free People is a sector of space consisting of approximately 20 systems. The AFP is a military organization, commanded by Admiral Morgon Blackwood and his Command Team. Admiral Blackwood was originally an officer in the Sectorial Guard, who simply disappeared from his post there. Some few years later, as the Guard was caught in an exhaustive military and governmental power struggle with the Decimviric Counsel, Admiral Blackwood began assembling what would be the core of his Command Team.

While many of these members were former and current military, others seemed "questionable" to a military purpose. Of those in service on the Command Team today, General Meredith Knight serves as Admiral Blackwood's second in command. General Tayr Goldman, third in command and Commanding Infantry Officer aboard the assault ship Krestle. Colonel Chloe Boyed, who received her commission after Admiral Blackwood seized control of the government. At this time, she serves as Director of Security and was a commanding officer in Covert Operations for an extended period of time. Colonel Alexander Russle and Major Adrian Tarliss, who command special teams in charge of setting up and maintaining power when a new base of any size is set up. Commander Matthew Singer and Commander McCloud (first name unknown), current commanding officers of Covert Operations. Major Damion Scott and Major Raelle Russle, commanding officers of Blue Squadron, the AFP's elite combat squadron. Captain Dierah Sramek, Admiral Blackwood's head tactician.

The standard AFP uniform is green for enlisted and blue for commissioned officers up to the rank of captain. For major and above, the uniform is gray. Those on Admiral Blackwood's Command Team wear black uniforms.

The AFP runs the governments in their sector under a military rule. Law enforcement on each individual planet is maintained on a local level. Above the local law enforcement is the Sectorial Guard, who still operates as an extension of the AFP but under autonomous command and usually just on a system-wide basis. The AFP becomes involved in law enforcement when acts of terrorism, espionage and underworld activity grows to the point where the local and Guard detachments can no longer track or contain it.

Most species are free to come and go as they will, and illegal activity is not tolerated. When underworld wars have grown too bloody, the AFP has been known to institute extreme crackdowns on every citizen on a planet. Key underground figures are Trancer, a mid-level boss known for his tactics in gang wars and ruthless execution of enemies; Blackwood, who it's said took his name to mock Admiral Blackwood, and controls one of the largest underworld organizations in the sector; Hacker, the only computer specialist to have hacked into the AFP's central computers; Gunner, a weapons specialist; Dodger, Blackwood's lieutenant and a mercenary; Doxie, a member of Blackwood's council though her purpose is unknown; Gray, a mid-level boss, formerly Blackwood's lieutenant until she broke away; Poet, an assassin who's usually in the company of Hacker.

Because of the fallout of the Decimviric Counsel's action with the Bakkese race, these genetically engineered humans are now outlawed within the AFP's space. (There is a link below to information on the Bakkese.) The race is considered extinct now, as none have been found for a long period of time.

Most promising future officers are taught at the AFP's Academy. Children enter the Academy at age 7, and besides standard topics, they are taught the necessary skills for the military field they choose to go into, up to and including medical school, engineering, etc. Children attend the Academy for a period of up to 12 years. For those whose parents send them for the excellent education, they graduate after their junior year. For those pursuing a career in the military, they continue on another two years for advanced training. Colonel Chloe Boyed is the Covert Operations instructer at the Academy. The Academy is run by a civilian, Branth Del Morano, but also contains military personnel in teaching and administrative postions. Enlisted personnel who are commissioned to officer rank also attend training classes at the Academy.
